Career and marriage is the two things most people find difficult to combine successfully. It is understandable that managing career and relationship can be a daunting task if you don’t know how to handle these two critical areas of life.
There has been an extensive research on the effect of successful marriage on career (entrepreneur, business owners, and other career persons), the discovery after the research shows that people who are successful in their marriage earn more money, live longer, on better health and with less stress.
The question now is how can you balance your marriage and your career since both of them are critical area of life that you can’t do without and to save your marriage from collapse.
The key to finding balance in your relationship, marriage and career is to make your relationship a high priority and get help if need be from marriage counsellors. If you make your relationship a high priority, you will find the success in this area spread over to other areas of life like your career and every other thing else.
1: Define and understand the demands of your career 1: Define and understand the demands of your career. This will help with the kind of man/woman you want to marry. There are some jobs that will take more of your time and energy. e.g. Jobs that involves a lot of travels. Have a checklist of yourself.
2: You need to define the kind of Man/Woman you want to marry 2: You need to define the kind of Man/Woman you want to marry. A checklist of the person you want to marry. Don’t let any man or woman bump into your life. It is dangerous.
3: Open and frank talk on how to balance career and marriage is very, very important. Who is going to do what? This should be discussed in love.
4: Planning on how to balance your career and the family when you marry is very important. This should be an on-going event. Prioritize and establish a daily schedule list. Make maximum use of free time. This should be reserved for the family. Communicate the importance of your work to family. Let them be part of what you are doing.
It's important to create regular time to spend together It's important to create regular time to spend together. Maybe you make special moments out of running errands or perhaps you exercise every Saturday together. The point is to find quality time together .
5: Balance sacrifices. If one or both of you want to pursue a high-profile career, it's almost a guarantee that sacrifices will have to be made for the good of that career. Remember that balance is created over long periods of time. Accept and acknowledge the importance of your partner's sacrifice to further your career and be willing to do the same for their dreams in the future.
6:Love the person, not their title 6:Love the person, not their title. For the health of your relationship, make sure you've fallen in love with your partner as a person, and not with their title or position. In today's economy, nothing is certain, and compatibility is no longer based on whether or not the other person can take care of you. Instead, know that you can take care of yourself, and decide if you still want your partner around.
7 :As a Christian you need to pray for God’s direction to understand and manage the issues involved.