The Life of Christ Lesson 5 – From Judea to Galilee Retiring to Galilee – Matthew 4:12, 17; Mark 1:14-15; Luke 3:19-20; Luke 4:14-15; John 4:1-54 Preaching in Capernaum – Matthew 4:13-16, 18-25; 8:14- 17; Mark 1:16-39; Luke 4:31-44; 5:1-11
Jesus passes through Samaria John 4:1-54 Jesus passes through Samaria What news prompted Jesus to depart for Galilee through Samaria? John 4:1-2 Why would Jesus leave? John 7:1-8 The history of the Samaritans. 2 Kings 17 Jesus’ history with the Samaritans. Luke 9:51ff; 10:33ff; 17:16; John 4:39- 40
Jesus comes to Sychar in Samaria John 4:1-6 Modern city of Askar Near the field Jacob bought and gave to his son Joseph (Genesis 33:19; 48:22) Goes to Jacob’s well “wearied from His journey” – the sixth hour The humanity of Jesus. John 19:28; Matthew 21:18; 8:24; John 11:35
A woman of Samaria comes to draw water … John 4:7-9 What would invariably happen if Jesus sat by the well long enough? Would this woman have ever initiated the conversation with Jesus? (John 4:9) Many Jews would not even travel through Samaria so as to avoid social contact.
A woman of Samaria comes to draw water … John 4:7-9 Jesus asks for a drink. The disciples go into the city to buy food. We read of their return in verse 27. What does this opportunity represent to Jesus? See John 4:31-34. What sustains us? Did this seem like a “huge” moment? Zechariah 4:10; Colossians 4:5
A woman of Samaria comes to draw water … John 4:7-9 The woman questions why Jesus would ask a Samaritan woman for water? Expectations re: Jews and Samaritans interacting in a beneficial way toward each other? Note: Luke 10:30-37; Luke 17:16-18 John’s parenthetical statement: “For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.” “Dealings” – to use jointly. Where such attitudes came from? Ezra 4:3-6
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:10-14 Jesus introduces “living water” Turning the fleshly conversation into the spiritual. “If you knew the gift of God …” Jesus Himself (John 3:16), or That which Jesus would provide … His sacrifice and salvation (Romans 6:23; 2 Corinthians 9:15; Galatians 1:4; Ephesians 5:2; 2:8; James 1:17; Hebrews 6:4) You can’t separate the two – Luke 19:10
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:10-14 Jesus introduces “living water” “If you knew the gift of God …” Conditional or unconditional? God said He would “give this land” to the descendants of Abram … (Genesis 12:7; 13:14-17; Numbers 13:2; Joshua 1:6-8; 1 Kings 8:33-34) Is it still a gift if something is required of us? Is grace still unmerited favor if we must do something?
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:10-14 Jesus introduces “living water” “If you knew … who it is who says to you, ‘give Me a drink’” Do we know Jesus and what He offers? Philippians 3:7-11 What can we learn about talking to others about the gospel from Jesus’ opening words to this woman?
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:10-14 Jesus introduces “living water” Jesus said if you knew who I was, you’d be asking Me for a drink of “living water”. Jeremiah 2:13; 17:13 Just like Nicodemus, this woman is having a difficult time understanding spiritual concepts with a fleshly mindset. “You have nothing to draw with … where then do you get that living water?”