Mission Mathematics is a thinking process that involves every aspect of life. The mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace School’s Math Program is to prepare students with a strong foundation to foster application to real problems and experience success in the study of Math. Our Math program is designed to meet the needs of the students as they sequentially learn the concepts. Students will learn and view mathematics as a way of thinking about and interpreting the wonders of God’s Creation. Academic Rigor Active Learning Problem Solving Technology Integration Assessment
RECENT HSTORY Prior to 1998 – QP Math was foundational with advanced students traveling to West or Edgewood for class. 1998 – Steve Bolser and Travis Rohrer developed an “Advanced Math” program for grade 8. 1 section of Algebra 1a, Algebra Concepts, Pre Algebra Evolved throughout the years to become foundational in K5 – 5th and more rigorous 6th – 8th. 2014-15 – new Math Program and new Middle School Math teacher 2015-16 – new Math Program and new Middle School Math teachers – 6th, 7th and 8th 2016-17 – New administration, self-study, partnership
WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? Goal setting by Math Team – 3 MS Math teachers and Mrs. Olson Math Interventionist = working with teachers throughout the school Meeting with area high schools Meeting with Edgewood next Monday Contacting area public High Schools Aligning our academic standards with high school expectations Reviewing current curriculum Reviewing assessment procedures and data Teachers attending Math conferences Surveying graduates
HOW DO WE GET THERE? Recognize areas of growth within the program Continuously re-assess current goals and methodology Work together as a Math Team to have a consistently strong program. Three step process in advancing students STAR 360 results Current progress Teacher recommendation - Developmentally Ready Working in partnership with parents Continued communication Surveying students in high school
MAKING THE TRANSITION Foundational program grades K5-4 5th grade single teacher and Math Club 6th grade “initial” placement begins with: STAR 360 scores Teacher recommendation Cumulative test at the end of 5th grade Placement is flexible and happens when above criteria is reviewed when classroom performance shows mastery.
COMMUNICATION Website and Wednesday Update Unit Handbooks Student and Parent Handbook “Spring into Middle School” event for 5th grade parents and students Using the STAR 360 to communicate student’s readiness and growth
LOOKING AHEAD Exploring the possibility of a Summer Math Camp Exploring the possibility of a Math Competition with area Middle Schools Continued collaboration between grade levels for consistency Continued review of assessment data Implementation of STEM initiatives Exploring the possibility of Math as an elective