Urban Poverty: A Birmingham context


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Presentation transcript:

Urban Poverty: A Birmingham context Lloyd Broad Head of European and International Affairs Birmingham City Council Urban Poverty: A Birmingham context Social Affairs Forum – Lisbon April 2017

What I will cover….. What do we mean by Poverty – a definition? What are the key characteristics of poverty? - A Birmingham Context The policy landscape The funding landscape Approaches to tackling Poverty Responding to the poverty challenge

Poverty- a Definition? “People are said to be living in poverty if their income and resources are so inadequate as to preclude them from having a standard of living considered acceptable in the society they live” Agreed by the European Council – 1975 Also often measured in the context of; Absolute Poverty - lacking means or resources for survival Relative Poverty - comparative to an average standard of living Income Poverty - where household income is below 60% of household median

So what does Poverty look like in a city? The Picture in Birmingham….

Poverty and deprivation Prevalence of Birmingham’s deprivation 24% live in the top 5% most deprived nationally (142K people) 40% population live in 10% most deprived nationally (430K people) Birmingham is ranked 9th most deprived Local Authority in England out of 354 9th Deprivation and children Nearly half of Birmingham under 18s live in the top 10% most deprived areas (LSOAs) 49% There are nearly 8,000 children living in the top 1% most deprived areas in the country in Birmingham 3%

Migration and Integration A city with a history of immigration Historical Major immigration from Ireland following famine (1845-49) Jewish fleeing religious persecution in 18th & 19th centuries Fleeing Conflict Conflict leads to many nationalities seeking refuge or asylum in Birmingham. Including Balkans, East Africa, Iraq & Afghanistan Historic 1950s/ 60s 1990s 2000s EU Expansion Migration from the A8 European Countries joining EU in 2004 (e.g. Poland) Post WWII Increased employment attracting Commonwealth of Nations / Asian sub continent

Health Inequalities Childhood Obesity 11% 25% +125% 9% 19% +103% +22% Reception 4-5 yrs Year 6 10-11 yrs Growth % +/- Birmingham 11% 25% +125% England 9% 19% +103% +22% +34% % +/- Rounded to nearest % Source: PHIT Team

Worklessness, Unemployment & Jobs

Skills The level of skills in the Birmingham population are much lower than average. Over 17% of residents have no formal qualifications

Population Growth and Housing The population growth seen in last 10 years coupled with the future projections for the City’s population there is a pressing need to address issues of overcrowding and the provision of jobs. The publication of the Office of National Statistics revised population projections show that Birmingham’s population will grow by up to 150,000 between 2011 and 2031. On the basis of these latest population and household projections Birmingham’s Strategic Housing Market Assessment concludes that the number of households in the City will increase by around 80,000 over the period to 2031. 150,000 By 2031 80,000 By 2031 2.6 people Birmingham has higher average household size than England and Wales average 12% 12.4% households are classed as overcrowded above the 8.7% average across England and Wales

Homelessness State of play in Birmingham: 20,000 households each year are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or transitioning out of homelessness Council and commissioned services collectively respond to over 14,000 household contacts per year 78% of statutory homeless applicants have dependent children 52% of homeless and in priority need were female lone parents 90% of applicants are of working age (18-64), mostly below 35 years old Almost 26% are in priority need and homeless because of domestic abuse or violence and harassment.

The Policy Journey Leipzig Charter – 2007 Lisbon Strategy – 2008 New Skills for New Jobs – 2008 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – 2009 Toledo Declaration – 2010 Europe 2020 Strategy – 2010 - European Platform Against Poverty and Social Exclusion Social Investment Package – 2013 European Minimum Income Network (EMIN)- 2013/14 Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth – 2016 European Pillar of Social Rights – 2016 Plus countless other Directives and Council Recommendations…….

The Funding Landscape

EU Funding and Poverty URBAN POVERTY EGF for Citizens (CIP) EaSI ESF Progress Erasmus + FEAD DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Creative Europe DG Health and Consumers DG Education and Culture EU Aid Volunteers Health Programme URBAN POVERTY DG Economic and Financial Affairs DG Justice Daphne Connecting Europe Justice Programme Europe for Citizens DG Internal Market, Industry DG Regional Policy COSME DG Environment (CIP) ERDF DG Energy INTERREG URBACT Horizon 2020 COST Solidarity Fund

Policy approaches to tackling Poverty Area-Based Approach People-Based Approach An Integrated Approach

Responding to the Poverty Challenge Better outcomes Better community engagement and inclusion Better knowledge URBAN POVERTY: What do we need to do better? Better Integrated Policy Better Integrated Funding Better Integrated Actions Better Integrated actions Better understanding of needs Better partnership working Better Integrated funding instruments Better Coordinated approaches Better Integrated policy responses

Thank you! Lloyd Broad lloyd.broad@birmingham.gov.uk