Presented By: Denise Matias, CAH November 15, 2016 TRAVEL PROCEDURES Presented By: Denise Matias, CAH November 15, 2016
ALL TRAVEL MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY DEAN Moore OR HIS DESIGNEE, PRIOR TO TRAVEL TAKING PLACE. Only exceptions: Local area travel (with 50 miles radius) Travel funded 100% from C&G (Project) Travel funded 100% from Overhead Registration with no other travel expenses The CAH Travel Authorization Request form is found at: , located under Budget/Financials/Travel. Prior to travel taking place or travel arrangements being made. Only exceptions: Local area travel (within 50 miles of the employee’s primary campus location or between UCF campuses) Travel funded 100% from C&G (Project) Registration with no other travel expenses
The CAH Travel Authorization Request form must be filled out and emailed to (cc Chair/Director) to obtain the Dean’s pre-approval. One travel request per email. In the subject line of the email please enter the traveler’s name and the travel begin date (i.e. Jane.Doe11.15.15.), the attachment is to be named in the same manner. The reason for cc is to have a backup responder to traveler, incase the primary contact who sent the e-mail is out of the office.
Create travel requisition A CAH Travel Request form should be completed for every traveler, even if the person is covering his or her own trip out of personal funds. In some cases, the traveler is allocated money for travel at a later date in the fiscal year and may be reimbursed. After the Dean, or the Dean’s Designee, has approved the travel, the form will be emailed back to the CAH unit. Create travel requisition Purchase of airline ticket and registration for example can take place A best practice is to create the requisition as soon as you have approval from the Dean’s office. This will encumber the money and make sure the traveler has the appropriate funds for their travel. Another best practice is to attached the approval for the traveler to the requisition. - Chairs/Directors (the CAH Travel Request form could be used or if you have e-mail approval from the Dean) - Faculty/A&P/Staff/OPS/Other (attach the supervisor approval from the Chair/Director from the specified CAH unit) - This could be e-mail approval - Form used by CAH unit
IF TRAVEL IS TAKEN OR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE BEFORE RECEIVING THE DEAN’S OR DEAN DESIGNEE’S APPROVAL, THE TRAVELER MAY BE HELD PERSONALLY LIABLE FOR THE COST OF THE TRIP. If the Travel is for your Chair/Director and they are also the approver for requisitions, the Chair/Director should not approve their own requisition. The backup approver for requisitions should approve.
Travelers Name: Jane Doe After the travel is completed, the CAH unit must submit to the Dean’s Office via the following information per E&G travel completed: Travelers Name: Jane Doe Dates: 11/15/15 – 11/20/15 Location: Bangor, Maine PO#: 0000123456 Overall Cost of Travel: $500 Department Charged: 23010001 Please email the requested information, in a timely manner, when E&G funding has been used for the travel. In the subject line provide name of Traveler/Completed Travel. When 100% auxiliary funding is used completed travel information is not needed.
Same applies if trip is cancelled Same applies if trip is cancelled. Fill out the information requested what applies and note “Trip Cancelled” above the travelers name. Trip Cancelled Travelers Name: Jane Doe Dates: 11/15/15 – 11/20/15 Location: Savannah, Georgia PO#: 0000123456 Overall Cost of Travel: $250 Department Charged: 23010001 When a trip is cancelled funds could have been paid out in advance already for the traveler or by the traveler.
If there are any adjustments to the costs of the travel that is greater than 20% of the original request, you must obtain Dean’s approval for the additional costs. To make this request, you will need to fill out the CAH Travel Authorization Request form, select “update” under the drop down box for the Requested Action, fill out the form, and resubmit to: In the notes section of the form, please state what change is taking place. No update needed if the dates for the trip change and are within the same month and as long as the funds stay the same or don’t go over the 20%.
International Travel Review Check travel destination to see if on US Department of State Travel Warning List. If yes, the Travel Preliminary Approval paperwork is required as least 3 months prior to trip The CAH Travel Request form should coincide at the same time Once filled out by CAH unit, Dean needs to review and sign Early request gives time for International Affairs and Global Strategies Division to review
Application for Funds to Support Faculty Travel For Full-time faculty member Delivering a research paper or comparable creative activity at a professional meeting Area or college must cover initial transportation cost Domestic $500 International $1,000 E&G funds only
Application for Funds to Support Faculty Travel Dean signature required on form if: Fully or partially funded by the Dean’s office If employees that have traveled report directly to the Dean More information and guidance go to:
Best Practice Travel Policy Graduate and Undergraduate Students Complete Travel RVs within 60 days Reimbursement from Foundation for travel Once charges incur after RV processes Create Foundation short invoice immediately Per Foundation Policy within 60 days, along with IRS guidelines Graduate and Undergraduate Students Complete the Release of Liability & Assumption of Risk form Email copy with CAH Travel Authorization Request form If travel Policy or Foundation Policy are not followed within 60 days; Travel can contact payroll and the traveler may get charged tax for reimbursement and Foundation can deny reimbursement back to the CAH unit. This is also part of the IRS guidelines that Travel and Foundation are trying set as the standard and save from being charged penalties. The CAH unit should keep on file the original signed Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk form for their records.
Common Mistakes When the update is submitted, the notes section on form is not being utilized. Briefly describe what is being updated. For example if increasing E&G funding. Original request was approved for $500. Additional money was transferred over from Honors. Total Travel Cost not filled out correctly If Zero dollars are being used for travel, but traveler is paying out of his/her own pocket put the estimated “Personal” cost of the trip. The notes section can also help the CAH unit for their tracking as well. For instance they could put the journal number and amount that was used to transfer dollars over for a traveler.
Any Questions???