PMO Awareness and Support Presentation For more information and other resources visit
For more information and other resources visit Industry Perspective Leverage data from various sources or sources key to your organization to make the case for the PMO and how organizations that use the PMO improve their project management delivery. What other PMOs in your industry are doing Data from sources like (look at the Pulse of the Profession surveys) If you are using a consultant to help you, leverage their insights, case studies and report data here. Set the stage that we are not alone and that successful companies are doing these things. For more information and other resources visit
PMO Service Offerings Administration of project facing support tools Project Portfolio Management Project & Program Management Business Analysis & Process Improvement The centralized management of one or more portfolios, which includes identifying, prioritizing, authorizing, managing, and controlling project and programs to achieve a specific business objective. The centralized management of programs and projects such that enterprise benefit is realized by sharing of resources, methodologies, tools & techniques, and related high-level program and project management focus. The practice of enabling change in an organizational context, by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders. Tools and Automation Administration of project facing support tools Training and Capability Development Identify and coordinate training needs and build project management capability with the organization. Shade the areas from light to dark in the order of the services you will complete over the coming phases. For more information and other resources visit
PMO Stakeholder Value Proposition Explain how the PMO services will benefit various stakeholder groups. Groups listed are simply examples, as are the services provided. This should align with the services that suite your organization. Program / Project Execution - Senior Management - Program Sponsors - Project Sponsors Ensure only “line of sight” investments are funded Ensure realization of committed dollar spent to benefit gained ratio Portfolio Management & Advisory Services - Program Managers - Project Managers Operational efficiency via effective & repeatable best practices Reduced costs and mitigated risks via knowledge sharing Program / Project Capabilities, Tools & Services - Finance & Control Enterprise lens for management reporting Accurate decision making enablement through transparency Stakeholders Business Value Make the case for what’s in it for them. For more information and other resources visit
PMO Objectives This is where you summarize your objective for the next year(s). 2017 Objectives Solidify the Foundation Defining PMO SUCCESS 2017 Objectives Build for the Future This is where you show them how you are going to build for the future and prepare for new services. Focus Area One Item 1 Item 2 Focus Area Two Focus Area Three This is where you show them how you are going to make the current services work well. Focus Area One Item 1 Item 2 Focus Area Two Focus Area Three This is where you build your success statement in terms that will resonate with the business leaders. This should be your charter statement for the year. Solidify the Foundation: Clearly identify PMO managed program and project qualifiers, focusing on high ROI programs Build a team of role model program managers for the organization Upgrade current PMO best practices and methodology Implement base metrics for strategic initiatives and start performing baseline measurements Build for the Future: Augment current PMO staff to meet future demands and develop highly skilled bench strength Establish advisory and coaching services and create an enterprise adoption roadmap Select and begin implementation of an enterprise program/project management platform Build a Project Portfolio Management framework and implement capability across GBS Show stages of progress and very short lists of short and long term plans. For more information and other resources visit
PMO One Page Strategic Plan STATEMENT OF STRATEGY: Summarize your strategy in a concise statement that captures the essence of the PMO’s goals and how you will define and measure success. 2017 Current State Leverage metrics to tell the story on your current state. This will set the stage of reality and where you will focus improvements. Ex: # of projects completed in a year Ex: # of projects per PM Metric and Current Value 2018 Future State Create a list of metrics that align with the goals for the planning year. How will we know that we succeeded? Ex: Increased project delivery success rate by X% Ex: Increased project throughput by X projects per year Metric and Target Value 2017 Strategic Objectives Outline a set of objectives that will allow the PMO to reach its goals during this planning year. [PMO Initiative] Assumptions Document assumptions that point to the cause-and-effect relationship between trends in the wider organization, the drivers of change, and your strategic objectives. [Assumption] Explain how you will get your goals accomplished and how you will measure success, indicating and constraints or assumptions you are making. For more information and other resources visit