Building Blocks to Essential Nutrition P CHO F
What is food? Energy source essential to life Often tied to cultures, emotions, personal
Nutrients There are 6 essential Macro nutrients PROTEINS CARBOHYDRATES FATS WATER VITAMINS MINERALS
Proteins They are nutrients that are needed to build, grow, and repair body cells
Carbohydrates CHO (Carbs) energy source through glucose VS
Fats Energy source through fatty acids
Water Body composition approximately 80% water Needed for most cellular function
Vitamins & Minerals Assist in the processing & absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
Balance Body needs all these nutrients to function Need at every meal to maintain homeostasis Insulin response glucose balance Increase glucose toxic: stored at fat, stress on pancreas, hyperinsulinemia
Carbohydrates CHO Most meals only consist of Carbs Drinks count as a meal Cells & pancreas no longer work (insulin resistant) Decrease desire to exercise & increase appetite
What should I do? Food is a fuel source Need a CHO, protein, & fat every meal to maintain homeostasis Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and little sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.
Which foods are a CHO, Protein, Fat? CHO (tastes sweet/starchy) Fruit Vegetable Grain(bread, pasta, cereal) Oat Rice Sweets Condiments Alcohol **Read the label- anything processed the highest number is category most fits in. Ex. Peanut butter- fat 15g, protein & CHO 7g Protein Red meat Poultry Pork Fish Beans Nuts Cheese Fat (tastes creamy) Nuts Butter Avocado Oil Cheese Red meat Bacon foods that fit in both categories