Pupil Premium
This is extra money which comes into school and is used to help our children and their families. Children who receive pupil premium funding have extra support to meet their needs. Our staff carefully consider what help is most suitable for your child and will provide this through a range of activities from support in class, new resources or events in school. What is Pupil Premium?
A free ‘ready for school’ pack is available for all those who apply and are eligible. Free school pack
If you receive any of the following, you could apply please call. Income support Income-based job seekers allowance Support under part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The guarantee element of state pension credit Child tax credit (provided they are not entitled to working tax credit) and have an annual income which is less than £16,190 (as assessed by Her Majesty’s revenue and customs) PLEASE CALL 01623 433009 (have your national insurance number available) Interested?