Year 5 Parents' Meeting Monday 26th September 2016
Miss Porter = Iridescent Year 5 Class Names Miss Porter = Iridescent Miss Jones = Moonbow
Teachers = Miss Porter and Miss Jones LSA = Mrs Suthern Year 5 Staff Teachers = Miss Porter and Miss Jones LSA = Mrs Suthern Learning Mentor = Mrs Hutchinson
Year 5 Routines Reading 10 minutes every night. Spellings Book and Reading Diary to come in every day Year 5 Routines Spellings Set on Monday Test on Friday Book comes home every night. Homework Set on Friday Due on Wednesday PE Tuesday and Friday All kit and uniform labelled with names
Year 5 Water Bottles Breaktime snacks
Year 5 Behaviour Rainbow Values
Year 5 Topics What was life like in Victorian Morley? How is Morley different to Whitby? Who can make the most marvellous medicine? Why is life different around the world? How is Sikhism different to Christianity? Would you like to meet the Greeks?
Year 5 Maths 2 7 x 1 7 6 3 7 2 Reasoning
Year 5 English
Year 5 Spellings Friday Monday ought though rough bough plough thought although enough cough drought
Writing - Once per half term (Unaided Writing) Year 5 Assessment Writing - Once per half term (Unaided Writing) Reading - Once per term (PiRa Test) Maths - Once per term (Maths Hub)
How to apply for Pupil Premium Your child might be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following: ·Income Support ·Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance ·Income-related Employment and Support Allowance ·Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 ·The guaranteed element of Pension Credit ·Child Tax Credit (provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) ·Working Tax Credit run-on paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit ·Universal Credit
People receiving Working Tax Credit, regardless of their income level, do not qualify. To claim, please speak to the school office or call Leeds Revenues and Benefits Service on 0113 222 4404
Year 5 Open Door Policy