Cary Bloyd EGEEC-36 Sendai, Japan September 16-17, 2010 4/16/2018 US EGEEC 2009-2010 Projects Cary Bloyd EGEEC-36 Sendai, Japan September 16-17, 2010 Test
EWG 05/2008 Survey of Policies and Programs to Measure and Promote Energy Efficiency in Industry in APEC Economies Status: Project final report completed April 2010 Energy Efficiency in Industry of APEC Economies Survey of policies and programs to measure and promote energy efficiency Project consultant:Centre for International Economics, Australia This study shows APEC economies are very busy implementing policies and programs to target energy efficiency. By sharing these experiences, APEC economies will be in a better position to learn from each other, and identify successful policy and program approaches (9 economies responded to the survey, 17 economies were analyzed)
EWG 15 2008A Comparison of Building Energy Codes in APEC Economies Status: Completed Best Practices Report, Building Energy Codes for APEC Economies December 2009 Project consultant: Alliance to Save Energy, USA Of the 21 APEC economies, 9 have adopted building codes economy-wide, 8 have building codes that account for climate variations, and 12 place enforcement responsibility at an economy-wide level while 5 place enforcement authority at a local, regional, or mixed economy and local level. Economy-wide building codes have been adopted by Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore and Chinese Taipei. Less universal or more voluntary building codes are in place in Canada, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and United States.
Energy and Water Efficiency in Water Supply (Watergy) Status: Completed APEC Training Workshop Energy and Water Efficiency in Water Supply: Practical Training on Proven Approaches March 2010 Project consultant: Alliance to Save Energy The Alliance to Save Energy carried out a training program to introduce water utilities and municipalities in APEC economies to the benefits of improved energy efficiency in water supply and wastewater treatment systems, and to build capacity in the developing member economies to carry out energy efficiency programs. The objectives were met through a training course and distribution of reference training materials.
Seminar on Transportation Energy Efficiency Improvement Potential in APEC Economies Status: completed Mary 10, 2010, Washington DC The Seminar focused on potential energy savings from the policy options that were identified by the Survey of Policies and Programs that Promote Fuel-Efficient Transport in APEC economies that was compiled in 2008 and 2009 and the Workshop on Policies that Promote Energy Efficiency in Transport, which was organized in Singapore in March 2009. As a follow-on to the Seminar, the Survey will be further expanded and updated. Specific expert sessions were devoted to energy efficiency in new road vehicles, operational efficiency for existing vehicle fleets, freight transport efficiency, and the energy savings from transit-oriented development. The discussion and analysis should highlight the transport policy options that hold the greatest potential for energy savings.
EWG 13 – 2009A Energy-Saving Windows: Survey of Policies and Programs to Promote Advanced Window and Glazing Technologies in APEC Economies Status: ongoing Project consultant: NFRC This project just started and the first major effort is to compile the current policies within the APEC economies and to assess the window rating and labelling test capability. A major part of the data gathering and cooperation was expected to occur at the APEC CEEDS Building Code Workshop in Bangkok, Thailand 8-10 September 2010.
EWG 11 – 2009A Cool Roofs in APEC Economies: Review of Experience, Best Practices and Potential Benefits Project status: ongoing Project consultant: This project just started and the first major effort is a literature search among the APEC economies including policy initiatives and identification of experts. The draft report is expected by 20 September 2010.
EWG 08/2010A: SOLLIA – Street and Outdoor LED Lighting Initiative – Asia Status: concept approved, full proposal under development The project aims to develop a best practice guidebook for the use of highly efficient light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for street lighting and other public outdoor lighting needs. It also aims to compile information on LED street and outdoor lighting standards in APEC economies for submission to the APEC Energy Standards Information System (APEC-ESIS) to help encourage trade in LEDs.
EWG 07 2010A: Survey of Market Compliance Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Programs Status: concept approved, full proposal under development The project aims to survey strategies used by APEC economies to monitor market compliance with energy-efficiency standards and labeling programs for consumer appliances and office equipment. It will compile experience on enforcement issues, market survey techniques, sampling efforts, and compliance indicators used by regulatory and enforcement agencies in APEC economies, in order to provide reference of practical approaches to ensure compliance with energy efficiency standards
Support from Climate REDI and SEAD for Cooperative Assessment of Standards and Testing Methods (CAST) SEAD has approved support for CAST in the order of $100K per year for five years, starting in 2011. Each year, CAST would focus on a different energy-intensive appliance. The projects would be administered by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The APEC Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS) initiative has identified several appliance categories that are important for Asia-Pacific trade, such as LED lighting, air conditioners, refrigerators, motors and electronic standby. These categories overlap with those of high-priority in SEAD – lighting, room air conditioners, refrigerators, televisions and fans. CAST can start with LED lighting in year 1 (2010-2011). If common product categories are chosen in subsequent years, SEAD technical resources may allow the CAST schedule to be accelerated.
Support from SEAD for the APEC Energy Standards Information System (APEC-ESIS) SEAD has approved support for ESIS of $100K per year for 5 years, starting in 2011, to help CLASP expand and improve the database. An APEC energy efficiency standards mapping exercise was proposed by Japan through the Subcommittee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) of the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), endorsed by EWG-38, and approved for 2010 APEC funding in March. As part of the mapping exercise, EGEEC has asked its members to update ESIS information from their respective economies. One of the goals is to identify gaps in ESIS which we might help to fill. This information can also feed back and support SEAD data efforts. Conversely, SEAD is developing a database of standards and labeling programs – product coverage, requirements, test procedures and schedules – which can inform ESIS. ICF International has been selected as the project consultant. The ambitious schedule is to complete the mapping exercise in October. Results would then be reported to EGEEC and EWG, and a meeting will be held with CLASP to discuss the best ESIS support strategy.