School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports: New Team Training Faculty and Staff Commitment Day 1 Who we are: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Maryland In coordination with Sheppard Pratt Health System, Maryland State Department of Education and Johns Hopkins University Assist schools with implementing PBIS through continuous training and coaching support
Faculty/Staff Commitment Critical Features PBIS Team Faculty/Staff Commitment Expectations and Rules Developed Plans for Teaching expectations/rules Reward/Recognition Program Established Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Data Entry and Analysis Plan Established Classroom Systems Evaluation Implementation Plan
ACTIVITY Leadership Team Processing Does your entire school staff embrace the idea that all students can be successful in learning? Is there recognition that reaching your lowest performing students involves changes in school- wide practices that impacts all staff and students? On a scale of 1 (not ready) to 3 (very ready) rate your school staff’s readiness to change practices and behaviors toward the goal of improving student outcomes? From MiBSLi New Team Training
Remember PBIS involves all of your faculty. Collectively, you: decide what your focus will be decide how you will monitor decide what your goals are decide what you’ll do to get there evaluate your progress decide whether to keep going or change Those involved must share : a common dissatisfaction with the processes and outcomes of the current system a vision of what they would like to see replace it Problems occur when the system lacks the knowledge of how to initiate change or when there is disagreement about how change should take place
How will you engage your staff in the implementation of PBIS?
Create a Communication System For… sharing ongoing information presenting data obtaining feedback from stake-holders (staff, students, families & community)
Use the Data to Maintain Support Share visuals with staff monthly. Show What’s working? What needs more focus? Emphasize staff involvement! Academic AND Behavioral Data
Building Communication Systems Starting with the facilitator, and moving clockwise, each person share out a time/opportunity your school could share important school data/PBIS information. Think about what structure you have in place now and “outside” the box thinking of what may be opportunities you haven’t explored yet. Recorder, please be sure to document the team’s dicussions. Communicator, please prepare to share out after the activity.
Team Time p. 8 in the workbook. Brainstorm with your team and consider what communication structures for sharing information and data you have in place now and discuss any other possibilities. 10 min.
Opportunities to Communicate GRADE LEVEL/CORE/DEPARTMENT MEETINGS VERTICAL TEAM MEETINGS STAFF/FACULTY MEETINGS STUDENT ADVISORY/CLUBS PARENT ADVISORY MEETINGS NEWSLETTERS WEBSITE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYS GOOGLE DOCS OR OTHER VIRTUAL SHARING AVENUES COMMUNITITES OF LEARNERS (SHARED LEARNING) You see a common theme running through the Faculty Commitment element: COMMUNICATE for understanding / trust/ safety/ transparency/ ownership Look at the flow of your meetings Systems wide…does the meeting structure flow in order i.e. grade level mtg then PBIS mtg, staff mtg, parent advisory---What flow works for your school Think about the best time to share information, then collect info, push out to the whole, etc. Admin, look for this structure. Guiding questions for each planned mtg that requires faculty reflection, data analysis, feedback.
Faculty/Staff Commitment BoQ Action Planner The 10 Critical Elements BENCHMARKS OF QUALITY A, IP, N Notes Faculty/Staff Commitment Progress Monitoring 4. Faculty are aware of behavior problems across campus through regular data sharing 5. Faculty involved in establishing and reviewing goals 6. Faculty feedback is obtained throughout year p. 8
Team Time Discuss Faculty and Staff Commitment with your team and consider what has been addressed and what the priority is for accomplishing, who will be responsible and when it will be completed. Take about 20 min. for this activity.