Joint Injuries
Sprain General Info: Definition: stretch or tear in the ligament Most common injury in sports Most common sprain is the ankle Sprains vary in severity Definition: stretch or tear in the ligament
Signs/Symptoms: Pain, swelling, bruising, lose of movement, hear or feel a pop, point tenderness These differ between each injury and each person
* Loss of Function: Mild * Ligament Damage: Mild * Range of Motion: Not effected Grade 1 * Edema: Mild Grade 2 * Loss of Function: Moderate * Ligament Damage: Moderate * Range of Motion: Not Effected * Edema: Moderate Grade 3 * Loss of Function: Complete * Ligament Damage: Severe * Range of Motion: Increased or Decreased * Edema: Sever
Treatment: PRICE (Protect, Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate How to protect?
TIME Treatment: AFTER!!!! Bruising, swelling, etc is gone Strengthening Flexibility exercises Brace will prevent not cure TIME Surgery sometimes
Prevention: What do you do? Appropriate equipment If still weak, preventative taping What do you do? Give Ice Try and stabilize the joint (Splint)
Tendonitis Background on Tendons Vary in size such as ones in your fingers vs. your Achilles Tendon When normal, they glide easily and smoothly as the muscle contracts If Tendon is injured – effects the movement of the muscle Definition: Inflammation of the tendon Most common cause? Overuse
Signs/Symptoms Pain and inflammation Increases pain with use of muscle
Treatment: Prevention What do you do? Avoid using the tendon Anti-inflammatory Ice Physical Therapy Prevention Slowly increase the intensity What do you do? Give Ice Not much more, tell them to play to pain or not play at all
Ruptured Tendon Definition: A tear in the tendon either partial or complete Signs/symptoms: Pain, loss of movement, swelling
Treatment: Prevention: What do you do? Rest but most the time surgery Always properly stretch Don’t overstretch What do you do? Keep in mind your patient will be in a lot of pain Do NOT do anything to injure more or cause more pain Try and stabilize the entire area to prevent further pain and injury
Bursitis Definition: inflammation of a bursa Its function is to reduce friction at joint They are located everywhere in body Most common sites for bursitis are hip, knee, elbow & heel When bursa is inflamed, it loses its ability to glide Causes: repetitive movement, excessive pressure
Signs & Symptoms Treatment Prevention Joint pain, can be worse at night Treatment Rest Doctor can drain the bursa or inject cortisone Prevention Strengthen the muscles surrounding it Avoid repetitive movements
Dislocation Definition: separation of a joint and malposition of the joint Causes: force that causes the joint to beyond the normal anatomical limits It is common that a fracture and torn ligaments also occur Signs/Symptoms: PAIN!!!, deformity, complete loss of motion
Treatment Prevention What do you do? Reset it (It hurts really bad) Treat the other injuries that go with it Prevention Wear preventative gear (Skeleton in football) Strengthen the muscles at that joint What do you do? DON’T!!!!! try and touch it, move it, or set Splint or brace to secure the entire area to prevent further injury or pain Monitor pulse for blood flow Monitor nerve sensation
Subluxation Definition: a partial dislocation Signs/Symptoms: Common in shoulder, rare anywhere else The humerus pulls out of socket but is still lined up Signs/Symptoms: Pain, weakness, dead arm They will complain that it pop out and went back in
Treatment: What do you do? Physical therapy to strengthen joint Brace to prevent dislocation until the ligament are tight again What do you do? Ice Splint shoulder to prevent any movement
Synovitis Definition: Inflammation of the synovial membrane Causes: overuse Signs/Symptoms: Pain, swelling Increased pain with movement
Treatment: What do you do? If no swelling, Heat packs If swollen, ICE until edema is gone then heat What do you do? Ice it
Just a Note For disorders such as tendonitis, bursitis, and synovitis… They look the same and only a MRI will determine what the actual injury is
Arthritis Definition: inflammation of the whole joint Not a sports medicine issue, but it is a disorder of the joint that shows later in life due to earlier joint injuries Involves all the tissues of the joint No cure
Gout Definition: accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints of the feet (toes) Not a sports medicine issue
Rheumatoid Arthritis Definition: connective tissue at the joint is severely inflamed. Destroys the joints Cause is unknown Synovial membranes grow abnormally