IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG Berlin Meeting Agenda Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 July 2017 IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG Berlin Meeting Agenda Dates: 2017-07-11 2017-07-13 Authors: Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise John Doe, Some Company
Agenda Approve Daejeon minutes Discussion items Actions required July 2017 Agenda Approve Daejeon minutes Discussion items Regulatory work in progress Status of completed work Actions required TBD Considerations on 60 GHz ITS systems AOB and Adjourn Agenda Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
Administrative Items Required notices Officers March 2017 Affiliation FAQ - Anti-Trust FAQ - Ethics - IEEE 802 WG Policies and Procedures - Officers Chair is Rich Kennedy (HP Enterprise) Vice-chair is Jay Holcomb (Itron) Secretary: Allan Zhu (Huawei) Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings September 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1124r0 March 2017 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise 4 Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)
Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings March 2017 Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings All participation in IEEE 802 Working Group meetings is on an individual basis • Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. ( section 5.2.1) • IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. ( section 4.2.1) You have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. Your obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. You shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see section and section 3.4.1, list item x By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate. Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
Approve the Daejeon Minutes March 2017 Approve the Daejeon Minutes Motion: To approve the minutes from the IEEE 802.18 meeting at the Daejeon Wireless Interim in document 18-17/0086r0. Posted: 06-Jul-2017 13:28:25 ET Moved by: John N. Seconded by: Hassan Discussion? Vote: Unanimous consent Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
Discussion Items Americas updates EMEA updates APAC updates Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 July 2017 Discussion Items Americas updates New Commissioners nominated New NTIA head nominated Canada consultation EMEA updates RED transition issue resolved (at the eleventh hour) 6 GHz Band opening study in process APAC updates Singapore consultation India (TRAI) consultations Australia consultation (with 5600-5650 MHz item) Considerations on 60 GHz ITS systems (Thursday AM1) Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise John Doe, Some Company
Americas FCC re-staffing New NTIA head nominated July 2017 Americas FCC re-staffing Has been operating with minimum staff since January (3 Commissioners) Newly nominated, needing Senate confirmation Jessica Rosenworcel (D) for return to Commission Brendan Carr (R), former FCC General Counsel Chairman Ajit Pai (R) must be reapproved New NTIA head nominated David Redl (R) from Energy and Commerce Committee New Canada ISED consultation on 5G consultation.pdf Deadline Aug 4th Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
EMEA Radio Equipment Directive issues resolved July 2017 EMEA Radio Equipment Directive issues resolved EN 301 893 v2.1.1 published Includes note that allows use of Adaptivity from v1.8.1 Published June 9th, three days before the deadline ETSI TC BRAN #94 results TR 103 319 on sharing of 5725 to 5925 MHz with ITS approved TR 103 524 SRdoc for 6 GHz band studies advanced Edgard Vangeel re-elected as Chair 6 GHz project started WG FM agreed to request WG SE to conduct studies for WAS/RLAN applications in 5925-6425 GHz. WG FM postponed a decision whether the work on this subject will be in a new WG FM project team or within the existing WG FM structure since the first working phase focus will be in WG SE SE24 to start the study at September meeting with TR 103 524 as input Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
APAC Singapore consultation “5G mobile services and networks” July 2017 APAC Singapore consultation “5G mobile services and networks” Deadline: July 7, 2017 (extended to July 21st) singapore-5g-consultation.pdf India (TRAI) consultations “Data Speed Under Wireless Broadband Plans” Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
APAC [2] Australia consultation July 2017 APAC [2] Australia consultation “Future use of the 3.6 GHz band, Options paper” future-use-of-the-3-6-ghz-band.docx Questions related to the 5.6 GHz band Q8: Is the 5.6 GHz band a viable option for wireless broadband systems? Q9: Under what circumstances should apparatus- and class licensed arrangements be considered for the 5.6 GHz band? Q10: If apparatus licensing arrangements are developed for wireless broadband systems in the 5.6 GHz band, are the notional arrangements proposed in Appendix 3 suitable? Deadline: August 7, 2017 Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
EU 60 GHz Planning ITS in 60 GHz License exempt use of 60 GHz bands July 2017 EU 60 GHz Planning ITS in 60 GHz License exempt use of 60 GHz bands Proposal to combine Work Items Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
July 2017 Actions Required TBD Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
Any Other Business IMF data in 18-17/93r0 July 2017 Any Other Business IMF data in 18-17/93r0 Next teleconference: July 20th at 2:30pm EDT Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise