Knowledge Sharing and Mutual Learning Platform on Agriculture, Food & Environment David Norse, Yuelai Lu, Yan’an Tong SAIN Secretariat UK China Agritech Innovation Forum, 6th November 2016, Yangling
New challenges, opportunities & requirements for knowledge sharing and mutual learning China’s 13th Five-Year-Plan agriculture as the foundation for a modernized, prosperous society resource-saving and environmentally friendly agriculture and food chain. UK Agritech strategy Technology innovation – Innovation centres Contributes to global food security and international development UK-China R & I Partnership Fund (Newton Fund) Agritech Joint Virtual Centres on Nitrogen Breeding Defra-MoA MOU 2015 with wider programme priorities
Knowledge Sharing & Mutual Learning Platform – the context - Common objectives of MOST-Innovate UK MOU and MOA-defra MOU Establishing a resource saving and environmentally sustainable model of development Bringing together the best science and technology of our 2 countries to achieve this model There is already extensive R&D collaboration to build on
Strengths of existing links Involvement of world leading scientists from both countries Wide coverage of the science and technology gaps Existing networks and other KSML mechanisms could provide the building blocks for a large proportion of what is needed for a comprehensive UK-China Knowledge Sharing and Mutual Learning Platform on Agriculture, Food and the Environment
Limitations of some existing links Duplication of effort Inadequate involvement of economists and social scientists and government officials responsible for translating R&D outcomes into effective policies. Limited involvement of the commercial sector. No formal framework or platform for linking the relevant Newton Fund and other projects, and for automatically or readily ensuring timely flows of information between them on progress. Most of the existing collaborations focus on crops whereas the livestock sector contributes more to agricultural value –added and GHG emissions, and possibly present greater innovation and market opportunities for UK companies in China.
Objectives of the KSML Platform Improving Knowledge Sharing & Mutual Learning Objectives of the KSML Platform To build on what is already in place notably SAIN and the > 30 large active research partnerships promote cross-disciplinary collaboration; enhance communication and engagement amongst existing initiatives and stakeholders to maximise synergies and support policy development; and foster new cooperative partnerships.
Building onto the UK China Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network 中 英 可 持 续 农 业 创 新 协 作 网 SAIN is a unique mechanism for UK-China agricultural cooperation and contribute to international development SAIN is an effective network bring together multidisciplinary stakeholders SIAN is a productive research community SAIN is a knowledge transfer mechanism SAIN is a bridge between policy, academic and business SAIN is a partner of international initiatives
Knowledge Sharing & Mutual Learning platform - Concept Chart KSML Platform Link to other database & information systems (MEP, CAS, CAAS, CCAP WG 1 SAIN MOST-IUK Intelligent equipment Policy Dialogue WG 2 Food safety & trade develop WG 3 Animal health Registry of experts + organisation + ongoing projects On-line project databases MOST-IUK Joint research on food ingredient & nutritious food
Thank You! UK China Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network 中 英 可 持 续 农 业 创 新 协 作 网 Thank You! Development of the KSLM Platform is funded by FCO Prosperity Fund, Defra and MoA