CH 5 History of the Fertile Crescent 7000-5000 B.C. 7.1.1 Identify and compare the rise of early agricultural river valley civilization in Africa and Asia. 7.1.3. Trace steps in the development of written language, including the evolution of Sumerian cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and Chinese calligraphy. 7.3.11 Identify and explain the importance of early cultural hearths in the Nile River Valley. Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley, and the Huang River Valley.
What picture/thoughts comes to your mind when you hear the world Fertile Crescent?
Section 1: Geography of the Fertile Crescent Fertile Crescent – a large arc of rich, or fertile farmland. Mesopotamia- “means between two rivers” What two land features give Mesopotamia its name? Tigris and Euphrates River Silt- a mixture of rich soil and tiny rocks. It made it ideal for farming in Mesopotamia. Why is farming important?
Farming and Cities 12,000 to 10,000 BC Hunters and gatherers began to settle in the Fertile Crescent By 7000 BC Farming Settlements were being established in Mesopotamia.
Irrigation- a way of supplying water to an area of land. WATER MATTERS H20 Mesopotamia Irrigation Irrigation- a way of supplying water to an area of land. Canals- human made waterways
What would you devote your time to if you did not have to work? Due to irrigation the people of Mesopotamia were able to grow more food. FOOD SURPLUS- meaning more than enough needed. Food surplus allowed some people to stop farming and devote their time to other jobs. DIVISION OF LABOR- is a type of arrangement in which each work specializes in a particular task or job. What would you devote your time to if you did not have to work?
What was developed due to the better farming practices, food surpluses and division of labor? THE CITY
The Rise of Ancient Civilization Farmland Improved Irrigation Food Surplus Division of Labor Civilization *once needs are met you can focus on higher levels of development
Section 2 The Rise of Sumer
The Sumerians created the world’s first advanced society. Religion played a major role in Sumerian society. The Sumerians developed the first civilization in Mesopotamia. 3000 BC Sumer 1st City-State
City-State of Sumer city-state – a central city and all the country side around it. Sumer had 10,000 residents and grew to 100,000 by 2000 BC. Empire- land with different territories and people under a single ruler. City of Ur
Sargon 2334 – 2279 BC Who was he? A man who rebelled and used a permanent army to defeat the city states of Sumer Who’d did he rule? The Akkadians How did he affect the region? He held the Empire together for over 50 years under one Empire with a strong army.
religion (Sumerian culture)- was the basis for all Sumerian society Priests- people who performed religious ceremonies Polytheism- belief and worship of more than one god Sumerian Religion
What does Polytheism mean? Many gods
Social Hierarchy The division of society by rank or class 1. Royalty 2. Priest 3. Skilled Craftspeople, Merchants, and Traders 4.Farmers and Laborers 5. Slaves
Men Held political power Educated Warriors
Women Could be educated if royal or part of the upper class Priestess Took care of the home and children
Enheduanna Daughter of Sargon High Priestess of the Moon god First known female write in history Wrote verses to the gods