ISO/IEEE 11073 Support for UDI January, 2017 IEEE/HL7 San Antonio, USA
FDA UDI The FDA have proposed a labelling format (human and machine (ie scanned) readable) to provide all medical devices with a unique identifier (UDI). Currently the UDI are to be managed by appointed labelling authorities such as GS1, each of which has proposed its own label format. Starting point FAQ Full text
FDA UDI A UDI is a unique numeric or alphanumeric code that consists of two parts: A device identifier (DI), a mandatory, fixed portion of a UDI that identifies the labeler and the specific version or model of a device, and A production identifier (PI), a conditional, variable portion of a UDI that identifies one or more of the following when included on the label of a device: the lot or batch number within which a device was manufactured the serial number of a specific device the expiration date of a specific device the date a specific device was manufactured the distinct identification code required by §1271.290(c) for a human cell, tissue, or cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as a device
FDA UDI – labeling agencies Issuing Agency Data Delimiters Identifier Data type Human Readable Field Size Database GS1 (01) Device Identifier (DI) numeric 16 14 (11) Manufacturing/ Production Date Numeric [YYMMDD] 8 6 (17) Expiration Date numeric [YYMMDD] (10) Batch/Lot Number alphanumeric 22 20 (21) Serial Number Maximum Base UDI 76 66 Example of GS1 easily readable plain-text UDI: (01)51022222233336(11)141231(17)150707(10)A213B1(21)1234 Note: the agencies have not adopted a consistent label format
Representation in HL7 HL7 (V2.8) supports FDA UDI by allowing both the full label text in PRT-10 and the components in PRT-16 through PRT22 PRT-10 Full text label for FDA-UDI (string) PRT-16 Participation Device Identifier (string) PRT-17 Participation Device Manufacture Date (Date-string?) PRT-18 Participation Device Expiry Date (Date-string?) PRT-19 Participation Device Lot Number (String) PRT-20 Participation Device Serial Number (String) PRT-21 Participation Device Donation Identification (String) - relates to donation of blood etc PRT-22 Participation Device Type (string)
IEEE 11073 UDI -- UDISpec supports the encoding of unique identities such as the US FDA UDI [B27]. UDISpec ::= SEQUENCE OF UDISpecification UDISpecification ::= SEQUENCE { udi-authority UdiAuthority, udi-issuer UdiIssuer, udi-content UDIContent } UdiAuthority ::= ITU-OID; -- Identifies the jurisdictive organization for the UDI, such as the US FDA. -- The US FDA’s OID is 2.16.840.1.113883.3.24 UdiIssuer ::= ITU-OID; -- Organization that is charged with issuing UDIs for devices. -- For example, the US FDA issuers include: -- GS1, HIBCC and ICCBBA -- An OID value of “0” should be used if the issuer is unknown or not recorded in the -- device.
IEEE 11073 UDI ITU-OID ::= OCTET STRING -- a OID can be used as an unique identifier for an organization -- OID trees are maintained by registration authorities with ITU-T and ISO at the top; -- HL7 manages an OID tree; -- see
IEEE 11073 UDI UDIContent ::= SEQUENCE OF UDIContentElement UDIContentElement ::= SEQUENCE { udi-element-type INT-U16 { udi(10), -- full text label for the UDI – can be mapped to HL7 v2.8 [B26] udi PRT10 -- matches the human readable UDI string that is part of the labeling of the device udi-device-identifier(16), -- a numeric or alphanumeric value assigned to a model -- or version of a medical device by an UDI authority – the DI part of a UDI -- can be mapped to HL7 v2.8 participation device identifier PRT16 udi-device-manufacture-date(17), -- A date determined by the Regulated Entity in which the medical -- device is considered manufactured - in ISO 8601 extended format YYYY-MM-DD -- can be mapped to HL7 v2.8 Participation Device Manufacture Date PRT17
IEEE 11073 UDI udi-device-expiry-date(18), -- The date and time beyond which this device is no longer valid -- or should not be used (if applicable) – in ISO 8601 extended format YYYY-MM-DD -- can be mapped to HL7 v2.8 PRT18 udi-device-lot-number(19), -- Lot number assigned by the manufacturer. Can be mapped to HL7 v2.8 PRT19 udi-serial-number(20), -- the serial number of the device - maps to HL7 v2.8 PRT20 -- typically the same as the serial number in the production specification (if present) udi-distinct-identification(21), -- Part of the production identifier used to identify HCT/Ps (Human cells, tissues, and -- cellular and tissue-based products) -- maps to HL7 v2.8 PRT21, included here for completeness udi-device-type(22) -- the device type coded using the code system of the issuer - maps to HL7 v2.8 PRT22 -- HL7 v2.8 requires use of PRT-10 when serial number is present and not in PRT-22. }, udi-element OCTET STRING -- string size shall be even }