Jerusalem Central to Three Major Religions (plus more there) January Monthly Meeting Holy Land Trip 2017 Religions 2b Judaism
the Jewish religion in Jerusalem David (1000 BCE) united the kingdom and established J. as capital (Ruled from 1004-971) David danced before the ark as it returned to “the city of David” (1 Samuel 21:12-19) David prevented from building temple David’s son Solomon (king in 970 BCE) oversaw the construction of the temple 1 Kings 6 and 7 Adds land to north to include hill of the Temple Mount Walls and temple rebuilt in Persian period Second Temple (Ezra 3:8-13; 6:13-22); 353-349 BCE Second Temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE Only Western Wall still standing – actually a retaining wall for Temple Mount (“Wailing Wall”)
Our Visit with the Jewish religion in Jerusalem Visiting the Western Wall on May 27 The Western Wall plaza is divided into three sections. One area is for observers, socializers and passerbyers, the other two closer to the wall are for prayer – one for men, and one much smaller area for women. Visitors are allowed in the prayer area, but you must only enter your designated area (men and women). It’s important to be respectful of the religious significance of the site. Although picture taking seems to be tolerated, loud talking, laughing or other disruptions are not. Dress considerately. The religiously devout do not turn their backs on the wall, instead they slowly back away as they finish their prayers.
Our Visit with the Jewish religion in Jerusalem On Friday, May 26, join Shabbath Dinner in the homes of Jewish families Begins the seventh day of rest (refrain from work) Refrain from work (rules vary with different faith community) Spend with families & friends From sunset Friday to the first stars on Saturday Tradition includes three festive meals (two on Saturday) Rest day – Genesis 2: 1-3 Commanded with manna provision - Exodus 16:26 Fourth commandment Exodus 20:8-11
Our Visit with the Jewish religion in Jerusalem Several “types” of Jews may be observed by their dress On Friday morning, May 26, visit Yad Vashem Museum remembering the Holocaust "And to them will I give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name (a "yad vashem")... that shall not be cut off.” (Isaiah, chapter 56, verse 5) Suggested that you use the internet to explore what you will experience