The pitch Aidee Mantle
What would I like to achieve? I have chosen to create a music video without a narrative. This is because I have a deep interest in this style of production and I feel that with a great amount of hard work and effort, I am able to produce and present a quality piece of work. My target for this particular project is to achieve a distinction. To help attain this, my research carried out must be well explained and developed; and displayed in a presentation.
Outline of concept The general idea for my music video is about travel and being adventurous; exploring different environments whilst in the company of other people. My sole inspiration came from the features produced by Sami & Vale - I first saw their videos on Facebook. Further inspiration came from my chosen practitioner called Rich Lee because I evolved a deep interest in the visual style to his video productions. The aim of making this specific type of production is to generate the feeling of happiness and freedom among the audience.
Run time The run time I would like my feature to be is between 3 minutes and 48 seconds. This is because this is the length of the music piece I intend to use for my music video. The audio for this piece is Diddy - Dirty Money - Coming Home ft. Skylar Grey, however it is a remix version by Marc May. I chose this particular remix because it withholds a much more positive and upbeat vibe throughout it compared to the original song. This is simply regarding my main aim which is to create the feeling of happiness and content. Furthermore, I feel the lyrics relate to the concept I would like to produce which is the action of travelling as it is about coming home. However, the visual style to my feature will express the theme of travelling to different environments but to the characters present, this is seen as being and feeling at home.
Target audience The target audience for my production is aimed at teenagers and adults aged 16-24. This is because this is the age where individuals feel rebellious and want to explore new places with friends and family. It is also the age where people go out and feel like they want to live life fuller and see new things so I felt that this age was appropriate for my production and target audience. There is no gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation specification for my video as it is open to all. The actors I wish to use for my video are between 1-3 teenagers and/or adults. I believe the Demographics for my FMP would be C2-E which is skilled manual workers and casual laborers, pensioners and the unemployed because this type of music piece doesn't relate to other socio-economic groups. Furthermore, I feel the Psychographics would be Explorers because my production fits into individuals who seek discovery and value difference and adventure. Young adults and teenagers often have a lot of energy to want to go out and complete new tasks.
Inspiration - practitioner I briefly discussed my inspiration when talking about the outline of concept but in less detail. I am inspired by Rich Lee's work because of the visual style to his features. For example: the music video he produced for the song 'Coming Home' presented a distinct environment which seemed to be a salt pan. This stood out to me because it is an usual location to be in. This inspired me further to want to create a music video about different environments because I would like to make my audience feel happy and I can do this by presenting teenagers enrolling on an adventure and discovering new places such as new beaches, forests, theme parks etc. In addition, I am also inspired by the shot types filmed during Production and the editing carried out in Post-Production because it displays a unique theme. For example: an effect which presents the reflection of sunlight within the camera lens.
Conclusions from research Whilst ongoing the research stage to my FMP, I feel that I have widened my knowledge and developed my skills further. For example, I have now learned how to reference sites I researched using Harvard Referencing; I wasn't aware of how to do that before I started this project. This is a great quality to have because it allows you to properly reference sites for future tasks. Furthermore, my experience in research has developed significantly. I am now more knowledgeable of the different areas and aspects that should be deeply evaluated within a project. Such as: exploring practitioners, legal and ethical issues, target audience, analysing specific music videos and productions, completing journals and much more. Concluding each topic of research has led me to feel much more confident in what I should explain regarding any additional tasks in the future and that I can also accomplish them.
Production schedule The filming process for my FMP will occur from the 24th of April to the 5th of May. This is because it will give me plenty of time to complete other sections of this task before I begin recording. I will then have the sum of 12 days to record raw footage for my feature. During these days, I will be able to travel to different environments to film in. If I intended to film on a sunny day but the weather forecast was raining, I then have other days to film the specific scene of my music video. In addition, the editing stage will go forth on the 8th to the 19th of May. This is so I can edit and put together my music video in the LRC at Exeter College. Over the course of these 12 days, I can ensure that I have edited my feature to my best ability. I feel both filming and editing require this amount of time to complete because if necessary, I will have time to change any mistakes I have made and reflect on the work produced; assuring I have included what I needed to include.