WEEKLY ROUND-UP EXTREME READING Week Commencing 03/04/2017 Menu Week 2 WEEKLY ROUND-UP Events and news for this week Headteacher: Mrs L Hignett St Michael’s CE Junior School, Church Lane East, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 3SS Tel: 01252 322933 Email: Adminoffice@st-michaels-jun.hants.sch.uk Website: www.stmichaelscejunior.co.uk Our safeguarding team: Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs L Hignett Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs C Lynch Week Commencing 03/04/2017 Congratulations to…. TED AWARD: Congratulations to 4G for achieving the highest attendance of 89.31% last week. This week…….. Monday – Easter service & Easter lunch Tuesday 9.00 - Keyboard assembly (parents invited) 13.30 – Yr.4 and Yr.5 - Easter production dress rehearsal (Grandparents and siblings invited) 16.00 – Yr.4 and Yr.5 - Easter production (parents invited) – tickets only Wednesday 17.30 - Yr.4 and Yr.5 - Easter production (parents invited) – tickets only Thursday 13.30 - Yr.6 - Restless Earth Café topic outcomes (parents invited) Friday – INSET DAY MONDAY 15:20 – 16:20: JUDO THURSDAY 12:30 – 13:00: DIGITAL LEADERS HEAD TEACHER’S AWARD: Congratulations to A Gilday (6S) who won the award for “Consideration and Kindness” on the 31st March. Holiday Library Competition EXTREME READING PUNCTUAL POLLY: Congratulations to 3S and 3W for being the most punctual class last week. To get the children excited about reading during the Easter holidays we are launching a whole school ‘Extreme Reading’ competition! Where is the most extreme place your child can read their book? Please take a photograph of your child reading in the most extraordinary place you can think of and send it into school with them by Friday 28th April. Please remember to put your child’s name and class on their entry. Winners will be announced in assembly and on the website! This competition is open for everybody to join in! So happy reading! Polite reminder! As we have children in school who suffer from a severe nut allergies please could we remind everyone that our school has a “No Nuts Policy”. This means that the following items should not be bought into school in packed lunches please: Packs of nuts, peanut butter / nut & chocolate spread sandwiches, fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts, chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts, cakes or biscuits containing nuts. Please note this list is not exhaustive. If your child develops any allergies, please ensure you inform the school office. Coming Up….. The next two weeks are Easter holiday – return to school is 8.45am on 24th April 2017. We wish you a very Happy Easter break! Schudio app FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/StMichaelsCEJun Or use our handle: @StMichaelsCEJun