Solving Polynomial Equations Big Uglies
How do you solve a polynomial. Where are the solutions on a graph How do you solve a polynomial? Where are the solutions on a graph? What happens if you can’t find all the solutions?
Flowchart for Solving Polynomials If degree is larger than 2, graph your polynomial (skip to step 6 if you have a quadratic). Graph y = 0 in y2. Find whole number intersection points (roots, zeros, solutions). Use any whole number points in synthetic division. Continue using synthetic division until a quadratic equation remains. Solve your quadratic by factoring, the quadratic formula, or by completing the square. List solutions
FIND ALL ROOTS: Graph, find x-intercepts Use Syn. Div. and quadratic formula to find any missing solutions
Find all Solutions/Roots/zeros Graph, find x-intercepts Use Syn. Div. and quadratic formula to find any missing solutions The graph gives us two solutions. (Use syn. Div. to find the missing two)
practice Pg 322 #8-13, 38, 39
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