SBG March 10, 2017
School wide scale
Building Wide Scale Scale Correlating Percent Correlating Grade Language Work Competencies 4 100 A Exemplary Work (Above Standard) Mastery. Thorough understanding. Can explain, apply, and teach related concepts. 3 85 B Proficient Work (Meets Standard) Accomplished. Adequate understanding, application, or demonstration. Consistent. 2 75 C Emerging Work (Approaching Standard) Developing. Partial understanding, application, or demonstration. Inconsistent. 1 60 D Insufficient Work (Below Standard) Basic. Little understanding and application. Cannot demonstrate or explain. INC 50 Incomplete Work (Well Below Standard) Unfinished. Inability to demonstrate knowledge or learned skills. No evidence.
Building a SBG Scope and Sequence The standards for your subject or content should determine what you teach The art of teaching lies in How you teach it When you teach it What to assess Backwards design is critical in developing a scope and sequence for courses
Feedback vs. Grading What is the difference between giving feedback and assigning a grade? Feedback Grade “Detailed feedback specific to individual work was found to be strongly related to student improvement in essay scores…detailed, descriptive feedback was found to be most effective when given alone, unaccompanied by grades or praise.”
Making Feedback Effective
Making Feedback Effective Be as specific as possible (reference the standard and rubric) Give feedback as soon as possible Address learning toward a goal (the standard being assessed) Present your feedback carefully (give the rubric in advance and reference it in your feedback) Involve learners in the process
False Beliefs About Grading- Shift your Mindset Belief # 1: Good Teachers Give Bad Grades Belief # 2: Not Everyone Deserves an A Belief # 3: Grades Motivate Learners
Point One: Assessments come after the growth and learning process Point One: Assessments come after the growth and learning process. Length is not a factor. Formative Measurement for learning Feedback, not grades Recorded as check marks in the gradebook Summative Measurement of Learning Grades Recorded as grades in the gradebook
Formative and Summative Examples A concept map organizing the relationship between vocabulary words A lab activity to investigate the reactivity of different chemicals An exit ticket on the second day of working with sentence structure A class competition where students share the context of a randomly chosen history term they have encountered this year; unknown terms are recorded and reviewed at a later date An essay assigned for a writers workshop where students receive peer feedback Reviewing assessment problems in small groups to prepare for a reassessment Creating and then classifying equations as logarithmic or exponential Creating a pencil sketch of a still life before beginning on a final canvas painting
Example of a SBG Summative Assessment IDEA: Think of 1, 2, 3, 4 in terms of DOK Level…Sustain and Simplify
Point Two: A grade shows that we have measured what a student knows and is able to do based on our instruction. Not extra credit Not based on behaviors Not based on attendance Not one giant semester killer grade
Point Three: Reassessment Student contracts for reassessment are acceptable. The department should have a consistent policy. The assessment center is available every Wednesday and has been very successful. It is perfectly acceptable to say to a student “ I don’t feel as though you are ready for this assessment. Please complete your formative work and schedule an alternative assessment time.” Sample late assessment policy: “an assessment may only be taken late when all preceding formatives are complete and only within the semester”
Brain Break…Enjoy these Cute Puppies
Three things to consider… The content. The type of assessment you choose. What success looks like. “Tim was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.” - Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1750
Rigor Difficult
What are you really trying to assess? Consider Explain the second law of thermodynamics. Which of the following situations shows the second law of thermodynamics in action? What is the function of a kidney? Suppose we gave a frog a diet with no impurities: fresh organic flies, no pesticides…nothing impure. Would the frog still need a kidney?
The better question is not, “What is the standard The better question is not, “What is the standard? The better question is, “What evidence will we tolerate?”
Ideas (for your practical implementation) Use the generic building-wide rubric. Remember, anything can be a summative. You can assess multiple standards in the same assessment. Find a rubric online. Or use ones from your curriculum. Or use ones from our website.
Tips (for your practical implementation) Limit your rubric to the most essential skills. Share it with students early. Use defensible language. Mostly? Adequate? Make it together with your PLC and backwards design to address all skills. In a pinch? Have the kids make it for you!
The MIT - “Most Important Thing” A score of four, is not fundamentally more. A four-point scale should not just funnel student scores back into a category, but rather it should articulate the specific behaviors that a student needs to demonstrate in order for their teacher to measure the depth of their knowledge and skill.
0-50 51-75 76-90 91-100 Student Assessment 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 How many times you can repeat a skill is not demonstration of mastery.
Formative & Summative are already category options in Skyward.
The options we need are already here.
Formatives can be entered like this.
And then you can see checks & percentages too.
Order of operations Assemble in your PLC Define your Power Standards Define your Scope & Sequence Define your Common Assessments Create rubrics for your Common Assessments PLC Minutiae