Development of an Open Matrix Emme Integration Tool INRO Model City Portland September 21, 2016
What is OMX and why should I care? How do EMME and OMX work together? Today’s Talk What is OMX and why should I care? How do EMME and OMX work together? Example integrations for LCOG’s mode choice model Oregon Metro’s new multi-criterion evaluation toolkit
What is OMX and why should I care?
Purpose of OMX Is a simple standard matrix format for storing and transferring matrix data that can be easily adopted For Anyone managing transportation data with a matrix structure Who Wants a portable and open format for storing and exchanging that data That Is easy to understand, can be used in custom programs/scripts, and supports commercial products Unlike Existing solutions that are either proprietary, cumbersome, slow, and/or too large
Who We Are A diverse group of agency, consultant, and research modelers Formed a working group to define and implement the file format for use in modeling Similar to the HTML working group for example Formed in early 2013, shortly after TRB Periodically meet to update the standard/project
We Believe OMX will: make model development and application easier across models and software packages help spur industry research and innovation by having a shared data structure (think shapefile, GTFS) enable researchers, students, agencies, and practitioners to collaborate in ways that are currently difficult, cumbersome and error-prone
What is OMX Open matrix is a published file format (i.e. skims.omx) Based on open-source HDF-5 file storage technology Binary data storage with compression Stores multiple matrices in one file and includes zone indexes/lookups Can contain additional attributes for matrices and indexes Python, R, Java, C#, C++, Ruby interfaces available Built-in support in EMME, VISUM, and TransCAD Supported by CT-RAMP and DaySim ABM platforms
How do EMME and OMX work together?
Example integrations
EMXtoOMX Command Line Tool EMME tools work well for basic matrix I/O However, we needed something that easily fits within our typical DOS-based overall model workflow Thus, we developed a little command line tool for matrix I/O Export python proj.emp 9999 mats.omx -e mf1 mf2 Import python proj.emp 9999 mats.omx -i mf1 mf2
EMXtoOMX Command Line Tool Steps Starts EMME Loads the specified project and scenario If export: Exports the matrices using Removes appended matrix names in order to keep tool interface simple mf1_timau mf1 If import: Imports the matrices using
LCOG Model Choice Model Example Eugene MPO C++ mode choice model previously did binary databank I/O, which is no longer supported So we revised the C++ program by linking in the OMX/HDF5 libraries and recompiling the program Updated the overall model run script as well: Export matrices python LCOG.emp 9999 mos.omx -e mo10 mo11 mo12 mo13 … python LCOG.emp 9999 mds.omx -e md02 md03 md34 python LCOG.emp 9999 mfs.omx -e mf294 mf295 … Run model lcogmc.exe hbw.ctl report.rpt Read back in updated matrices python LCOG\LCOG.emp 9999 mfs.omx -i mf81 mf82 mf83 …
Metro MCE Toolkit Example Portland Oregon MPO multi-criterion evaluation (MCE) / benefits-cost analysis (BCA) social return on investment (SROI) Python/pandas-based calculator currently being development Requires zone, OD, and link-level model outputs for a base and build scenario Monetizes the differences and compares the benefits to scenario costs Model also run via cmd line so data export looks similar to LCOG: Export base scenario skims and trips python nb_skimsbank.emp 4 mfs.omx -e mf1 mf2 … python nb_assignbank.emp 4 mfs.omx -e mf8 mf7 … Export build scenario skims and trips python b_skimsbank.emp 4 mfs.omx -e mf1 mf2 … python b_assignbank.emp 4 mfs.omx -e mf8 mf7 …
OMX project, code, packages, examples, etc. Resources OMX project, code, packages, examples, etc. EMME OMX cmd line tool HDF5 pandas (basically Python’s version of R)
Contacts Ben Stabler Portland, OR