Did You Know? April is National Poetry Month! Looking for a way to boost your English grade? Want to be involved?
Participate in National Poetry Month! Every class after journaling we will be listening to/reading a poem YOU can pick the poems! Bring in a poem you find interesting Read it to the class Turn in a short paragraph about your reaction to the poem BONUS POINTS!
Guidelines The poem can be published OR unpublished – meaning that you can read something that YOU wrote! You must have copies for everyone to follow along You must read it You must turn in a reaction paragraph (5-7 sentences)
How Many Points Are We Talking About? One whole percentage on your final grade! This could turn a D to a C, a C to a B or a B to an A or possibly exempt you from the final!!
Sign Up for a Time Slot! Sign up for a class day to share on the sheet coming around This can only be successful if you participate! If we fill all the time slots we will celebrate the last day with a tasty treat and relaxing class!!