The Learning Resources Center Technical College of the Lowcountry Learning Resources Center
The staff Richard Shaw, Library Director Cindy Halsey, Public Services Roxie Brown, Technical Assistant Lenore Barrett, Administrative Specialist
LRC Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00am-8:00pm Friday 8:00am-4:30pm Sunday 1:30pm-5:30pm
Contact the LRC with your reference questions! Phone: 843-525-8304 FAX: 843-525-8237 Address: 921 Ribaut Rd. P.O. Box 1288 Beaufort, SC 29901-1288
Learning Resources Center Web Page lrcmain.html
Information Success depends on the ability to gather, evaluate and use information. The best source for information will depend on the type of information. Today we have many choices. Some Criteria for evaluating information: Authority, Currency, Accuracy, Objectivity, Content, and Coverage.
Looking for books, periodicals or audiovisuals? Use the LRC online catalog If we do not have what you are looking for, ask us about area libraries, electronic books and Interlibrary loan.
Online Catalog Search by keyword, author (inverted), title (no initial articles) or subject. Write down Library of Congress call numbers of those items which interest you. If you cannot find the item, ask the library staff for assistance.
Electronic books aka E-books 44,000 E-books available Browse or check out E-books electronically Access E-books with current username and password available at the LRC Create E-book account at a TCL networked computer Access to E-books continuous even after you are no longer a TCL student Access expires 18 months without activity
Student ID Card Student ID cards may be obtained at registration or in the LRC with proof of registration for the current semester. The student ID card is necessary for checking out books, printing or copying in the LRC and using the student resource lab. Bring ID card to the LRC at the beginning of the semester to have it updated.
Circulation Students may check out items with their student ID card. Books circulate for 3 weeks and may be renewed in person or by phone. Videos and DVD’s circulate for 3 days. A 10 cents per day overdue fine is charged for books. Higher fines are charged for reserves and audiovisual materials. Books returned to outside book drop are checked in the next business day. Reference items, room-use reserve items, and periodicals due not circulate.
Interlibrary Loan & Area Libraries TCL students with student ID cards have borrowing privileges at both USC-B and the public library. USC-B charges a one time $10.00 fee. If the LRC does not have a book or periodical that you need, you may request the item through Interlibrary loan. Allow two weeks to receive the item. There will be a nominal for periodical articles and $1.00 per book request.
Reserve Items Professors may place items on reserve in the LRC that they want the whole class to use. Check out periods may vary; LRC use only, overnight, and three day. Overdue fines for these items are greater than the regular overdue fines. Be considerate of others in the class to ensure that everybody has access.
Types of Reference Sources Encyclopedias Dictionaries Almanacs Directories Atlases Handbooks Books in reference have a call number beginning with Ref. These books do not circulate.
Looking for periodical articles? Try these indexes Career and Technical Education Academic Search Premier LexisNexis (for legal research) CINAHL Plus with full-text Literature Resource Center Custom Newspapers Biography Resource Center Business Source Premier
Try the Xreferplus database Use the concept map function in the Xreferplus database for cross reference links and helpful ideas. Off-campus access to the Databases and E-books available 24/7 with a current username and password.
Periodical Indexes Search by subject in both the electronic and print indexes. Or, search by keyword in the electronic indexes. If the index contains full text, you may print or download the article. Or, record the citation and locate the article.
Subject versus Keyword Searching Keyword - very broad and retrieves many items when broad terms are used. May retrieve irrelevant articles. Use narrow terms or proper nouns (places, people, etc.) Subject - the items retrieved will deal primarily with that subject. Use subject subdivisions to focus on a particular aspect.
Keyword Boolean Searching And - narrows your search by retrieving only items that contain every one of the keywords you enter. The more you enter, the narrower your search becomes. Ex. “Civil War” and Hunley Or - expands your search by returning items in which either or both keywords appear. Combine synonyms together using OR. Ex. (bittersweet or dark) and chocolate Not - limits search by returning those items that do not contain the keyword following NOT. Ex. Chocolate and dogs not labrador
Periodicals Magazines and Journals - The current year is housed on the back wall. Back issues (the previous four years) are shelved behind newspapers. Newspapers - Current issues are displayed between the shelves for current periodicals. Previous issues (usually the past four months) are shelved behind reference.
Student ID You are required to have your Student ID in your possession while on campus. When issued, your ID comes encoded with $2.00 of printing or copying. To make copies or print from the lab in the LRC, use your student ID. You may purchase additional copies in the Bookstore or LRC. Color printing deducts 5 units or 50 cents per page. B&W deducts 1 unit per page, (each copy costs 10 cents). Bring your student ID into the LRC each semester to be updated with a current sticker. Replacement ID’s are $2.00.
If you’re running into a brick wall, please ask a librarian for assistance