12-Bar Tensegrity Soft Robot (for NASA missions!)
What does “tensegrity” mean? Tensegrity = “tension” + “integrity” A structure made of only bars and cables, where the bars are suspended in a network of cables in tension
What does a tensegrity robot look like? NASA Ames and the BEST Lab at UC Berkeley have made mobile, autonomous robots based on a six-bar tensegrity structure SUPERball at NASA Ames TT-3 at UC Berkeley
Why does NASA want to use tensegrity robots for surface exploration? They act as both a lander and a rover, making them cheaper and less complex than traditional surface exploration methods They can be packed into tight spaces They can move across a surface by actuating their cables They can absorb an impact
What is the goal of this project? Build a new tensegrity robot based on a larger, 12-bar structure We think a 12-bar structure will offer advantages such as: Higher actuation efficiency Higher payload-to-deadweight mass ratio Lower impact orientation sensitivity Basic project outline: Design Build Control Test Evaluate
What qualities are we looking for? Enthusiasm for the project Strong communication and teamwork skills Design experience (CAD, failure analyses, manufacturing) Programming experience (Arduino) Electronics experience (component selection, PCB design, RF communication)
Why should you want to join? Gain practical experience in the following: Hardware design Machine shop operations Electronics and sensor integration PCB design Path planning Microcontroller-based programming Testing and validation Work in a fun and welcoming lab Build a brand new robot!
Who can I contact for more information? Mallory Daly mallorycdaly@berkeley.edu