2014 Indigenous Women’s Conference


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Presentation transcript:

2014 Indigenous Women’s Conference Molly’s Story 2014 Indigenous Women’s Conference Cairns, Australia ©Bernadette Pizzey October 14, 2014

Outline Situating Self Setting the Scene The Question? The Medicine Wheel & the Grandfather Teachings How Social Workers can help Molly Community Supports Conclusion

Setting the Scene Traveling Truths: Highway Memoirs Molly and Stanley enter board the bus. (Pizzey, B. (2013) Traveling Truths: Highway Memoirs)

Setting the Scene (Corbiere, J & Boyer, A 2014)

Why is Molly’s Story important to me? Connecting to Molly Why is Molly’s Story important to me? (Pizzey, B (2013) Traveling Truths: Highway Memoirs)

Question? What is Molly’s experience of domestic violence and how can social workers help her situation?

Who are Molly and Stanley? Resentment Shame Family Rejection Abandonment Foster Care (Pizzey. B (2014) Case Study, Molly’s Story)

Medicine Wheel/Grandfather Teachings (Benton-Benae. E (1988), Medicine Wheel, Greenfield (2013) Grandfather Teachings , Nabigon, H. (2012) & Sinclair (2004))

Medicine Wheel Molly Community Support Social Supports Grandfather Teachings Medicine Medicine Wheel Molly Wheel (Cameron, R & Pizzey, B (2014) Conversations)

Connection to the Creator Attraction to Stanley M Medicine Wheel Physical Important Supported Spiritual Emotional Molly A Place of Safety Connection to the Creator Attraction to Stanley Characteristics/Similarities Mental Relationship A future with him (Benton-Benae. E (1988), Medicine Wheel, Greenfield (2013) Grandfather Teachings , Nabigon, H. (2012) & Sinclair (2004))

Grandfather Teachings HONESTY RESPECT M BRAVERY Molly LOVE TRUTH WISDOM HUMILITY Greenfield (2013) Grandfather Teachings

How Social Workers can Help Molly? Grandfather Teachings Physical Needs? Spiritual Needs? Emotional Needs? Molly Mental Needs? (Sarason I. G. & Sarason, B. R. 2009)


CONCLUSION Molly’s experience with Domestic Violence resulted from childhood to adulthood The Medicine Wheel helped Molly to: To speak up and use her voice Be empowered and to empower others Stay in the relationship Identify supportive resources in her community Know the Medicine Wheel and the Grandfather Teachings Medicine Wheel is an important tool for conducting an analysis reflective Learn Indigenous Beliefs, Traditions and Frameworks

Acknowledgements Recent Algoma University Graduate Employed as an addictions counselor in a training position (Algoma University Graduation 2014 & Indigenous Friendship Group Photo 2014)

Defiant bernadettepizzey@gmail.com (Fulin 2014)

Logo’s (Algoma University 2014, Indigenous Friendship Centre, 2014)

References Benton-Banai, 1988; Mawhiney & Nabigon, 2011; Morrisseau, 1998; Nabigon, 2006; Wenger-Nabigon, 2010; Wesley-Esquimaux & Snowball, 2010) Boyer, A & Corbiere, J 2014, Molly and Stanley Audio Recoding, Traveling Truths: Highway Memoirs Cameron, R 2013, Research Conversations, Molly’s Story Cameron, R 2014, Research Conversations, Molly’s Story Driver, J. 2014, Back Yard Presentation Discussion/Practice Fulin, B. 2014, Defiant, Molly’s Story Fundraiser Dinner and Presentation Greenfield, M. 2013 Seven Grandfather Teachings, Camp Widjiitwin News http://widjiitiwin.ca/seven-grandfathers-teachings/ Howard, J. 2012, The seven teachings Honouring our Gifts: Celebrating the Contributions

References Continued Sarason, I. G & Sarason, B. R, 2009, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, VoI.26(1):113 120.DOI:10.1177/0265407509105526 Nabigon, H. C. & Wenger-Nabigon, A. 2012, Wise Practices”: Integrating Traditional Teachings With Mainstream Treatment Approaches Native Social Work Journal Vol 8, pp. 43-55 Nolan, C. 2014, Office Conversations, Indigenous Friendship Centre Pizzey, B 2013 Back On The Road Traveling Truths: Highway Memoirs pp Pizzey, B, Corbiere, J. and Boyer, A Audio Recording Molly’s Story Richer, D 2014 SASA Lounge Conversation and Research, Molly’s Story

Indigenous Friendship Centre Contributers Algoma University Social Work Department The Deans Office Indigenous Friendship Centre Employment Development-Laurie Perreault Sault Indigenous Writers Collective Private Donations Joe Corbiere Dr Rose Cameron Amy Boyer Judy Syrette Theodore Syrette Brian Fulin