OVERCOMING THE EFFECTS OF PAST HURTS John Wimber - "A process in which the Holy Spirit brings forgiveness of sins and emotional renewal to people suffering from damaged minds, wills and emotions“. Healing past hurts is the application in practical terms of what is objectively true of every Christian in biblical terms - 2 Cor 5:17. Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted - (Isaiah 61:1)
OVERCOMING THE EFFECTS OF PAST HURTS The Purpose of Dealing with the Effects of Past Hurts: The objective of this ministry is that past sins and hurts should no longer govern present behaviour. This does not mean that every painful incident that has happened to us requires prayer; nor does it mean that "everyone needs healing prayer".
UNDERSTANDING EMOTIONS Feelings do matter! Emotions are to be brought under the Lordship of Christ. We are created by God to have a number of sources of emotional health: A sense of belonging. A sense of value derived from being created in the image of God. A sense of being able to do things. A sense of felt love.
COMMON EMOTIONAL BONDAGES Feeling useless. Its origins may be: Rejection by parents or other significant people. Lack of approval and praise. Pressure to conform to false ideals. Guilt over a grievous sin. Words that bind. Perfectionism: The origins may be: Rejection. Lack of approval. Inherited perfectionism. Religious legalism. Perfectionism can have two consequences: Breakaway. Breakdown.
COMMON EMOTIONAL BONDAGES Supersensitivity: Its origins may be: Rejection. Trauma. A lot of shouting or unpredictability in the home. Violence in the home. Fear: Inherited fear. Occultism and superstition. Unpredictability in the home.
COMMON EMOTIONAL BONDAGES Sexual Problems: Homosexuality. Lesbianism. Rebellion
HOW DO WE LEAD A HURT PERSON TO OPEN UP? It is essential to show love, acceptance and concern. Watch out for and respond to tell-tale signs. Look out for trigger events.
ONCE THE PERSON HAS BEGUN TO OPEN UP Continue to show acceptance. Be open to pictures, words of knowledge etc. Sometimes there may be more than one problem. Make sure that ministry to one problem is secure before tackling the next.
METHODOLOGY: VALUES AND PRINCIPLES We should base our work on biblical values and principles, and an openness to the direction of the Holy Spirit in each individual case. The individual’s responsibility. Applying biblical truth. Forgiveness. Why is it so important to forgive? Healing of past hurts is not intended to excuse us from responsibility If we do not forgive, we are effectively “in prison” (Matt 18:34-35). If we do not forgive, we harbour hidden anger and resentment, Eph 4:26-27. If we do not forgive, we may be failing to acknowledge that the other person has sinned.
METHODOLOGY: VALUES AND PRINCIPLES How does forgiveness take place? We need to receive God’s forgiveness. We need to forgive the people who have hurt us. Often there is deep anger. Forgiveness is not cheap.
METHODOLOGY: VALUES AND PRINCIPLES Cutting the emotional/spiritual umbilical cord. 2 Cor 5:17 Gen 2:24 Mark 3:20-21, 31-34 Christ as High Priest. After-Care