The Fields of Athenry Pete St John
The Fields of Athenry Where have you heard it? What do you know about it? What does it make you think about?
Keywords Trevelyan Athenry: town in Co galway Rebelled: to fight against control Famine: 1845-47 Ireland. No food. Potato blight Crown: England Dignity: self respect Botany Bay: place in Australia
Trevelyan Sir Charles Trevelyan British civil servant Give famine relief (food)
Athenry Town in County Galway A
rebelled to reject, resist, or rise in arms against one's government or ruler. to resist or rise against some authority, control, or tradition.
The Great Hunger 1845-1852 Over one million people died of starvation and sickness Over one million emigrated Failure of the potato crop (blight) The British Empire
The Cork Examiner 14 April 1847 DONERAILE, MAY 5.-- A man named Galway was arrested by the Police, within two miles of this town for stealing a horse and killing him; he and his wretched family were actually partaking of soup made of the carcass when he was taken. He says he was without food for three days, and that he was on the look out for a sheep, a pig, or cow; but was disappointed, as those animals are all secured by night, and watched by day-- so he had no recourse but horse flesh, to satisfy the cravings of his appetite, and the hunger of his starving children. He is one of the small farmer class, a class which has suffered more than any other during the present awful visitation, as holding a few acres of ground disqualified it from receiving any aid from a Relief Committee, or employment under the Board of Works. Poor Galway held about twelve acres of healthy land, called a "reagh," from George Crofts, Esq., Streamhill; and though never in good circumstances, used always to pay his rent, and has, I understand, even now some crops in the ground.
The Rev. Mr. Somerville, whose exertions in the cause of charity have been beyond any praise which the writer can bestow, but which have been duly appreciated by those who have benefitted by them, on hearing of the distress of Galway's family, immediately sent a supply of provisions, and will take care that they shall not be driven to the same necessity again. The unfortunate man whose horse was killed, is of the same class as Galway, and his principal means of support, this time back was ploughing for hire. Both parties live in the Manor of Donoraile; but in justice to Lord Donoraile, it is fair to state, that he is paid for the whole Townland of Streamhill, comprising (mountain included) about 1,800 acres, only £14 per annum. Galway has been sent to Gaol
Prison ship
dignity Worthy of respect Self-respect Acting and behaving properly
Botany Bay
Ballad A ballad is a poem or song that tells a story The Fields of Athenry is a traditional Irish balld Can you name any other traditional Irish ballads?
Rhyme By a lonely prison wall I heard a young girl call Micheal they are taking you away For you stole Trevelyn's corn So the young might see the morn. Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay.
Rhyme By a lonely prison wall I heard a young girl call Micheal they are taking you away For you stole Trevelyn's corn So the young might see the morn. Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay. Can you pick out the rhyming pairs in the next two verses?
By a lonely prison wall I heard a young man call Nothing matters Mary when you’re free, Against the Famine and the Crown I rebelled, they ran me down Now you must raise our child with dignity. By a lonely harbour wall She watched the last star fall As that prison ship sailed out against the sky Sure she'll wait and hope and pray For her love in Botany Bay It's so lonely round the Fields of Athenry.
Diary Entry “I” Personal thoughts and feelings Past tense What happened? Why did it happen? Where is he being sent? What does it mean for their future? How do they feel about it? Is there a solution?
Dear Diary Dear Diary, Today has been the hardest day of all. The hunger never leaves me and when I looked at my starving wife and child, I knew that I had no choice………. Now, sitting in this lonely prison cell I think about…………. I feel……… The future is…………….. If I could send one message it would be…………