EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule Will Wyman Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permits Section Ed Minter and Andi Windham Registration and Reporting Section EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule May 17, 2017 Will Wyman Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permits Section Ed Minter and Andi Windham Registration and Reporting Section May 17, 2017
EPA Generator Rule: 60+ Changes Reorganize the rules based on generator status Clarify areas in the rule where ambiguity existed Add flexibility for generators managing hazardous wastes under certain conditions Improve efficiency and effectiveness Non-compliance rate 10 to 30% Overview of EPA Generator Rule – 60+ Changes Reorganize the rules based on generator status Clarify areas in the rule where ambiguity existed Add flexibility for generators managing hazardous wastes under certain conditions Improve efficiency and effectiveness Non-compliance rate 10 to 30%
Office of Waste [Organizational chart of the Office of Waste] Brent Wade Deputy Director Permitting & Registration Support Division Jaya Zyman, P.E., Director Registration & Reporting Section Don Kennedy, Manager Occupational Licensing Section Linda Saladino, Manager Remediation Division Beth Seaton, Director Superfund Section Monica Harris P.G., Manager Voluntary Cleanup Program/Corrective Action Section Merrie Smith, P.G., Manager Petroleum Storages Tank/Dry Cleaner Remediation Sections Ken Davis, P.G., Manager Division Support Section Craig Watts, Manager Waste Permits Division Earl Lott, Director Industrial & Hazardous Waste Permits Section Bob Patton, Manager Municipal Solid Waste Permits Section Chance Goodin, Manager Business & Program Services Section Charly Fritz, Manager Radioactive Materials Division Charles Maguire, Director Radioactive Material Licensing Section Bobby Janecka, Manager Underground Injection Control Permits Section Lorrie Council, P.G., Manager Office of Waste [Organizational chart of the Office of Waste] Office of Waste [Organizational chat of the Office of Waste] Brent Wade, Deputy Director Ashley Forbes, Special Assistant Mark Henrichs, Office Budget Liaison Rachel Kradjel, Executive Assistant Bill Shafford, P.E., Technical Specialist RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS DIVISION: Charles Maguire, Director PERMITTING & REGISTRATION SUPPORT DIVISION: Jaya Zyman, P.E., Director REMEDIATION DIVISION: Beth Seaton, Director WASTE PERMITS DIVISION: Earl Lott, Director REGISTRATION & REPORTING SECTION: Don Kennedy, Manager OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING SECTION: Linda Saladino, Manager SUPERFUND SECTION: Monica Harris, P.G., Manager DIVISION SUPPORT SECTION: Craig Watts, Manager PST/DCRP SECTION: Kenneth Davis, P.G., Manager VCP/CA SECTION: Merrie Smith, P.G., Manager BUSINESS & PROGRAM SERVICES SECTION: Charly Fritz, Manager INDUSTRIAL & HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMITS SECTION: Bob Patton, Manager MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE PERMITS SECTION: Chance Goodin, Manager RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS SECTION: Bobby Janecka, Manager UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PERMITS SECTION: Lorrie Council, P.G., Manager OFFICE OF WASTE April 2017 Office of Waste Organization Chart - where do these programs interact with the TCEQ I&HW program…. PRS – registrations non-permitted SQG and LQGs, Corrective Action handles remediation permitted and non permitted Radioactive Materials Div – low level radioactive sites and TCEQ regulated injections wells – top part of storage area a RCRA permit MSW – waste permits, registrations from municipal sources, medical waste, tires, and recycling NOIs from municipal sources.
Hazardous Waste Facilities Permits: 181 Commercial: 53 Non-Commercial: 128 Registrations: 5,425 active generators Hazardous Waste Facilities Permits: 181 Commercial: 53 Non-Commercial: 128 Registrations: 5,425 active generators
Permitted Facility Locations Scan the QR Code for an interactive map! [Image of a QR code to an interactive Google map with all permitted hazardous waste facilities in Texas.] [Map of Texas containing outlined Texas counties and TCEQ regions, and locations of IHW Permitted Facilities.] Permitted Facility Locations Scan the QR Code for an interactive map (shows – permit number, type of wastes accepted) [Image of a QR code to an interactive Google map with all permitted hazardous waste facilities in Texas.] [Map of Texas containing outlined Texas counties and regions, and locations of IHW Permitted Facilities.]
Final EPA Generator Rule Proposed September 25, 2015 Published November 28, 2016 Effective May 30, 2017 Authorized states have until July 1, 2018 to adopt the more stringent requirements Less stringent optional Final EPA Generator Rule Proposed September 25, 2015 Over 60 changes Published November 28, 2016 Effective May 30, 2017 Authorized states have till July 1, 2018 to adopt the more stringent requirements Less stringent optional
Final EPA Generator Rule More Stringent Small Quantity Generator (SQG) Re-notify Identifying risks of wastes being accumulated and labeling Closure notification (TCEQ already requires) Final EPA Generator Rule More Stringent Small Quantity Generator (SQG) Re-notify Identifying risks of wastes being accumulated and labeling Closure notification (TCEQ already requires)
Final EPA Generator Rule More Stringent Biennial reporting for whole year (TCEQ already requires) Reference guide for contingency plans Biennial reporting for recyclers who don’t store Final EPA Generator Rule More Stringent Biennial reporting for whole year (TCEQ already requires) Reference guide for contingency plans Biennial reporting for recyclers who don’t store
Final EPA Generator Rule Less Stringent Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) Consolidation Episodic Generation Waiver from 50’ rule Participating academic labs allowed 12 months of accumulation Final EPA Generator Rule Less Stringent Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) Consolidation Episodic Generation Waiver from 50’ rule Participating academic labs allowed 12 months of accumulation Plan on site, notification to opt into the program
Other Items in Final EPA Rule Adds definitions including: "Large quantity generator – (LQG)," "acute hazardous waste," "central accumulation area” Renames conditionally exempt small quantity generators to "very small quantity generators – (VSQG)” Other Items in Final EPA Rule Add, revise, and correct definitions including: "Large quantity generator – (LQG)," "acute hazardous waste," "central accumulation area” Rename conditionally exempt small quantity generators to "very small quantity generators – (VSQG)” Requires small and large quantity generators to create and maintain records supporting their solid and hazardous waste determinations
Other Items in Final EPA Rule Emphasis on accurate waste determinations Difference between proposed and final Clarifications for Satellite Accumulation Areas (SAAs) Reorganizes the generator rules Other Items in Final EPA Rule Emphasis on accurate waste determinations Difference between proposed and final Clarifications for Satellite Accumulation Areas (SAAs) Reorganizes the generator rules
Specific Changes Specific changes made through new rule. Some more stringent and clarifications on existing gray areas.
Generator Regulations Reorganization Previous 40 CFR Reference New 40 CFR Reference Generator Category Determination 261.5(c)-(e) 262.13 VSQG Provisions 261.5(a), (b), (f-g) 262.14 Satellite Accumulation Area Provisions 262.34(c) 262.15 SQG Provisions 262.34(d-f) 262.16 LQG Provisions 262.34(a), (b), (g-i), (m) 262.17 [Table showing existing and corresponding proposed citations.] Generator Regulations Reorganization [Table showing existing and corresponding proposed citations.] Regulations / Previous 40 CFR Reference / New 40 CFR Reference Generator Category Determination / 261.5(c)-(e) / 262.13 VSQG Provisions / 261.5(a), (b), (f-g) / 262.14 Satellite Accumulation Area Provisions / 262.34(c) / 262.15 SQG Provisions / 262.34(d-f) / 262.16 LQG Provisions / 262.34(a), (b), (g-i), (m) / 262.17
Planning & Preparedness Arrangements with outside emergency authorities (SQG and LQG) Can be made through the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Arrangements must be documented Flexible on where documentation can be retained New, all that is needed is an emergency number (LQGs) – no home address and phone number Planning & Preparedness Arrangements with outside emergency authorities (SQG and LQG) Can be made through the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Arrangements must be documented Flexible on where documentation can be retained New, all that is needed is an emergency number (LQGs) – no home address and phone
Planning & Preparedness Contingency Plan Quick Reference Guide For LQGs for LEPC or First Responders Names and types of hazardous waste Street map in relation to schools, residences, etc. Maximum quantities Water supply locations Waste requiring special medical treatment On-site notice system Facility map Emergency coordinators [Table showing items required in the Contingency Plans for LQGs, LEPC or responders.] Planning & Preparedness [Table showing items required in the Contingency Plans for LQGs, LEPC or responders]: Names and types of hazardous waste Maximum quantities Waste requiring special medical treatment Facility map Street map in relation to schools, residences, etc. Water supply location On-site notice system Emergency coordinators
Labeling Labeling of containers and tanks now must indicate the hazards of the contents Flexibility on complying using established labeling systems (DOT, OSHA, NFPA) Waste codes must be on containers before shipping off site Labeling Labeling of containers and tanks now needs to indicate the hazards of the contents Flexibility on complying using established labeling systems (DOT, OSHA, NFPA) Waste codes must be on containers before shipping off site
Satellite Accumulation Areas Marking and labeling same as other storage areas Reactive wastes now have to be stored at the point of generation Three days = three consecutive calendar days Acute – allowed to chose between maximum volume 1 quart for liquids or weight of 1 kg Satellite Accumulation Areas Marking and labeling same as other storage areas Reactive wastes now have to be stored at the point of generation Three days = three consecutive calendar days Acute – allowed to chose between maximum volume 1 quart for liquids or weight of 1 kg
Satellite Accumulation Areas No mixed wastes or incompatible wastes allowed in containers Exceptions for leaving containers open when essential for operating equipment Marked with “hazardous waste” Subject to preparedness planning (SQG, LQG) Satellite Accumulation Areas No mixed wastes or incompatible wastes allowed in containers Exceptions for leaving containers open when essential for operating equipment (expand) Marked with “hazardous waste” Subject preparedness planning (SQG,LQG)
Acute Waste > 1kg acute generator for hazardous waste = LQG Defined new terms for acute and non- acute: incorrect definition in prior rule If acute threshold is exceeded then generator is a LQG for all waste on site Not just the acute waste Acute Waste > 1kg acute generator for hazardous waste = LQG Defined new terms for acute and non-acute – incorrect definition in prior rule If acute threshold is exceeded then generator is a LQG for all waste on site Not just the acute waste New 262.13
Other Changes Waiver to 50’ requirement for LQGs if fire marshal concurs Academic Lab rule accumulation time extended from 6 months to 12 months Clarified RCRA 3004 (c) – liquid waste “land ban” for landfills also applies to hazardous waste generators Other Changes Waiver to 50’ requirement for LQGs if fire marshal concurs Academic Lab rule accumulation time extended from 6 months to 12 months Clarified RCRA 3004 (c) – liquid waste “land ban” for landfills also applies to hazardous waste generators All new for Texas
Recycler Reporting Biennial reporting for recycling facilities that receive hazardous waste from off site and do not have a RCRA storage permit 30 TAC 335.24(g) Recycler Reporting Biennial reporting for owners and operators of facilities that receive hazardous waste from off site and/or do not store waste prior to recycling Per 30 TAC 335.24(g), recycling facilities are already subject to reporting of recycled hazardous wastes via the monthly waste receipt summary (MWRS.) MWRS data is included in the biennial reporting data sent to EPA.
SQG Re-Notify The final rule requires SQGs to notify every 4 years unless states have more frequent notice requirements Electronic reporting allowed Texas – Annual Waste Summary SQG Re-Notify The final rule requires SQGs to notify every 4 years unless states have more frequent notice requirements (like Texas) Re-notification requirements begin in 2021. Texas will consider submittal of the annual waste summary as re-notification. Electronic reporting is available through STEERS at https://www3.tceq.texas.gov/steers/.
Closure Notification EPA Rule (for LQGs) Notify states (30 days prior) Notify states that generator is meeting closure performance standards within 90 days Can request an extension TCEQ already requires clean closure prior to inactivating a solid waste registration for all generators per 30 TAC 335.8 Closure Notification EPA Rule (for LQGs) Notify states (30 days prior) Notify states that generator is meeting closure performance standards within 90 days Can request an extension TCEQ already requires clean closure prior to inactivating a solid waste registration for all generators per 30 TAC 335.8 Contact Corrective Action for additional information at 512-239-2282
Less Stringent Less stringent features of the rule. Prior slides were a clarification of components of the program where ambiguity existed and covered some more stringent requirements. Less stringent rules are optional for adoption.
VSQG Consolidation Allows an LQG to consolidate wastes under the same company from VSQG sites Currently an LQG needs a RCRA permit to receive VSQG wastes This ensures proper management and more reporting of hazardous waste Sending hazardous waste to a RCRA- designated facility is the most environmentally sound option VSQG Consolidation Allows an LQG to consolidate wastes under the same company from VSQG sites Currently an LQG needs a RCRA permit to receive VSQG wastes This ensures proper management of hazardous waste and more reporting Sending to a RCRA-designated facility is the most environmentally sound option
VSQG Consolidation Allows consolidation of hazardous waste at an LQG: VSQG requirements include: Labels waste containers with Hazardous Waste and identify hazards Comply with DOT shipping requirements Manifest not required for VSQG VSQG Consolidation Allows consolidation of hazardous waste at an LQG: VSQG requirements include: Labels waste containers with Hazardous Waste and identify hazards Comply with DOT shipping requirements Manifest not required for VSQG
VSQG Consolidation LQG requirements: Wastes “under control of the same person” Notifies state (8700-12) Identify participating VSQG Manages consolidated waste as LQG Reports quantities managed and keeps records (3 years) VSQG Consolidation LQG requirements: Wastes “under control of the same person” Notifies state (8700-12) Identify participating VSQG Manages consolidated waste as LQG Reports quantities managed and keeps records (3 years)
Episodic Generation Allows generators to maintain their existing category provided they comply with a streamlined set of requirements Frequency: Once a calendar year, can petition for a second unplanned event Notification: 30 days prior to planned event 72 hours after an unplanned event 60 days to get waste off-site Episodic Generation Allows an LQG to consolidate wastes under the same company from VSQG sites Allows generators to maintain their existing category provided they comply with a streamlined set of requirements Frequency : Once a calendar year, can petition for a second unplanned event Notify EPA or state 30 days prior to planned event 72 hours after an unplanned event 60 days to get waste off-site
Episodic Generation Requirements for VSQGs: Notify and obtain temporary identification number Manifest waste, use registered transporter, permitted site Identify an emergency coordinator Label episodic waste containers Maintain records associated with the event Episodic Generation Requirements for VSQGs: Notify EPA or state to obtain identification number Manifest waste, use registered transporter, permitted site Label episodic waste containers Identify an emergency coordinator Maintain records associated with the event Texas has One-Time Shipment program (form 00757)
Episodic Generation Requirements for SQGs Notify Comply with existing SQG regulations Maintain records associated the event Texas One-Time Shipment program (form 00757) SQG’s add waste stream to NOR and report on the AWS Episodic Generation Requirements for SQGs Notify Comply with existing SQG regulations Maintain records associated the event Texas One-Time Shipment program (form 00757) SQG’s add waste stream to NOR and report on the AWS
Resources https://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/final-rule-hazardous- waste-generator-improvements Final rule in the Federal Register Fact sheet Frequent questions Webinars from November 30, 2016 and January 9, 2017 Resources https://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/final-rule-hazardous-waste-generator-improvements Final rule in the Federal Register: http://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/11/28/2016- 27429/hazardous-waste-generator-improvements-rule Fact sheet: http://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/fact-sheet-about-hazardous- waste-generator-improvements-final-rule Frequent questions: http://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/frequent-questions- about-hazardous-waste-generator-improvements-final-rule Webinars from November 30, 2016 [http://clu- in.org/conf/tio/hwgenerators_113016/] and January 9, 2017 [http://clu- in.org/conf/tio/hwgenerators/]
Sign Up for GovDelivery [Pictures of the first and second pages of the Spring 2017 I&HW Quarterly Highlights.] Receive the I&HW Quarterly update, and notification of IHW forms, rule, guidance, and procedure updates: http://www.tceq.texas.go v/permitting/waste_permi ts/ihw_permits/signupihw Sign Up for GovDelivery Receive the I&HW Quarterly update, and notification of IHW forms, rule, guidance, and procedure updates: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/waste_permits/ihw_permits/signupihw [Pictures of the first and second pages of the Spring 2017 I&HW Quarterly Highlights.]
Sheila Meyers Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permits Section Waste Classification Next Presentation At 3:45 Sheila Meyers Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permits Section Promotion of next presentation: “Waste Classification”: Sheila Meyers Presenting at 3:45.
Will Wyman Waste Permits Division (512) 239-2335 ihwper@tceq.texas.gov How to Contact Us For Registration and Reporting For Industrial & Hazardous Waste Permitting Andi Windham and Ed Minter Permitting and Registration Support Division (512) 239-6413 wasteval@tceq.texas.gov Will Wyman Waste Permits Division (512) 239-2335 ihwper@tceq.texas.gov How to Contact Us For Registration and Reporting: Andi Windham and Ed Minter Permitting and Registration Support Division (512) 239-5176 wasteval@tceq.texas.gov For Industrial & Hazardous Waste Permitting Will Wyman Waste Permits Division (512) 239-2335 ihwper@tceq.texas.gov