How Windows 10 marks the end of Roaming Profiles Microsoft 2016 4/16/2018 10:01 PM THR1060 How Windows 10 marks the end of Roaming Profiles Raymond Comvalius - @NEXTXPERT IT Infrastructure Architect/MVP © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Raymond Comvalius - About Me Independent trainer/architect since 1998 Most Valued Professional (MVP) Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) Author of “Windows 7 for XP Professionals””
Roaming Profiles are from 1994 Settings roaming is what we still want
Settings Roaming in 2016 One Personal option Two business options: Sync your settings Two business options: User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) Enterprise State Roaming Both technologies built-in Windows 10*
Enterprise State Roaming (ESR) Sync settings to the Azure Cloud Windows Settings UWP App Settings Requires Device Registration of Azure AD Join Configure in Azure AD
Demo Enterprise State Roaming
User Experience Virtualization Built-in Windows 10 Enterprise and Education SKUs Syncs per application settings to a file share Inbox application settings templates for : Microsoft Office 2016, 2013, and 2010 Internet Explorer 11 and 10 Many Windows applications, such as Xbox Many Windows desktop applications, such as Notepad Many Windows settings, such as desktop background or wallpaper
UE-V Changes in Windows 10 UE-V Agent is replaced with the UE-V Service UE-V Template generator is in the Windows 10 ADK Company Setting Center is removed Inbox templates must be manually registered Added support for Roaming Network Printers Does not roam printer settings or preferences Taskbar settings in 1607 do not sync with previous Windows editions
UE-V and Enterprise State Roaming Those are compatible services UE-V can roam Win32 applications on-premises while Enterprise State Roaming (ESR) can roam the rest Configure the following UE-V Policy Settings: Enable “Do Not Synchronize Windows Apps” Disable “Synchronize Windows Settings”
Deploy UE-V Create a network share Allow UE-V Users List Folder/read data and Create Folders/Append data in root Allow Creator Owner Full Control on Subfolders and files Configure the SettingsStoragePath on the client Use Group Policy or PowerShell Register the inbox SettingsTemplates Get-childItem c:\programdata\Microsoft\UEV\InboxTemplates\*.xml|% {register-UevTemplate $_.Fullname} For demo enable WaitForSyncOnApplicationStart Set-UevConfiguration -EnableWaitForSyncOnApplicationStart
Demo UE-V in Windows 10
Summary ESR is very low profile and easy to configure Unfortunately lacks support for Win32 applications UE-V came a step closer Good thing that ESR and UE-V can work together More information:
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