THE GREAT ESCAPE by Margo Fallis
Choose the question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1. Walter and Mary were … . Waiter and Mary were TWO RAVENS
2. They lived in … . They lived in the TOWER OF LONDON, IN ENGLAND.
3. Walter and Mary loved to … . Walter and Mary loved to SIT ON THE WALL AND WATCH PEOPLE.
4. The ravens didn’t like … . The ravens didn’t like WHEN PEOPLE STARED AT THEM, MADE FACES AT THEM OR TOOK PHOTOS OF THEM.
5. When the camera got too close to their beaks, they … . When the camera got too close to their beaks, they GOT ANGRY.
6. That bad day one man’s camera nearly touched … beak. That bad day one man’s camera nearly touched MARY’S beak.
7. One little girl put her face very close to … beak. One little girl put her face very close to WALTER’S beak.
8. Who said:“I’ve had it!” WALTER did.
9. “As long as there are ravens at the Tower of London, England will stay …” “As long as there are ravens at the Tower of London, England will stay GREAT COUNTRY”
10. Play the scene when The day of great escape begins. You have five characters here: Walter, Mary, 3 storytellers.
11. What did the little boy do to Walter that bad day? The boy PULLED THE FEATHER out of Walter’s tail.
12. What did a man with camera do to William? A man with camera STUCK IT SO CLOSE THAT IT CHIPPED A PIECE OFF HIS BEAK.
13. Who decided to leave the Tower? WALTER,MARY,WILLIAM,ANNE did.
14. The more people were in the fortress, the more chances ravens had to … . The more people were in the fortress, the more chances ravens had to ESCAPE .
15. Play the scene when four ravens speak and decide to leave the Tower of London. You have four characters here: Walter, Mary, William, Anne.
16. Why did the people put their bags down? The people put their bags down, BECAUSE THERE WAS A LONG LINE AND THEY DIDN’T WANT TO HOLD HEAVY BAGS.
17. What was the plan number one? The plan number one was TO FIND A BAG AND GET INTO IT.
18. What did Mary moved to got to the bottom of women’s bag? Mary moved SWEETS, SOUVENIR PLATES AND FLAGS around and finally got to the bottom of the bag.
19. Play the scene when ravens tried to get inside people’s bags. You have eight characters here: 4 ravens, 4 storytellers.
20. What did Anne do instead of getting inside the bag? Anne LANDED NEAR THE WOMAN’S LEG AND SCRATCHED HER WITH HER BEAK.