EGI: Ready for new horizons


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Presentation transcript:

EGI: Ready for new horizons Steven Newhouse EGI-InSPIRE Project Director EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary Lyon was a long time ago The last 6 months Changes and achievements The next decade Evolving EGI for new Horizons in 2020 EGI Community Forum Highlights from this week EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

European Grid Infrastructure (March 2012 and increase from Apr 2011) Logical CPUs (cores) 271,000 EGI (+13%) 400,000 All 122 PB disk and 128 PB tape Resource Centres 323 EGI-InSPIRE & EGI 352 All 108 supporting MPI (+12.5%) Countries 42 EGI-InSPIRE & EGI 56 All Operations Centres 27 National Operations Centres 9 Federations 1 EIRO (CERN) Availability/Reliability (PQ7): 94.8%/95.6% EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary Users and Usage VO Members: 21,126 (+13.5 from April 2011) 1,264,922 jobs/day (+32% from April 2011) 3.6M Non HEP jobs/month +17.35% from April 2011 232 VOs 25 High Activity VOs (from a total of 111 international VOs) MoU signed with EGI Technical Evolution Groups engaged with EGI New effort starting in common analysis tools Fewer grid service problems and faster resolution Earth System Grid Federation (ESG) Use ESG data for EGI based climate studies GeoQair OSSE (Observing System Simulation Experiments) Instrument devoted to air quality survey in the lower troposphere EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary Technology 3 UMD releases with 70+ products updates Tested with 56 Early Adopters 3 rejected, 99 tests in total 170+ quality criteria covering all 27 capabilities 3000+ product downloads 50+ issues solved by DMSU 200+ tickets handled in total EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

Website and Social Media New EGI website launched at the Community Forum Includes new case studies, quick links for researchers, public, press, policy makers News and events more prominent Launch of new social media channels on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter Follow news, tech/ops, policy and community individually EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

“Stories from the Grid” New series of YouTube videos launched: “Stories from the Grid” First video on WeNMR, more being filmed! Lots more case studies on the website at EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

NGI International Liaisons Contact point for non-operations activity in the NGI Kick off meeting in November with DoW change Used to engage NGI staff in Virtual Team Projects NGI Virtual Team activity across 12 projects: ES, UK, IE, IT, CH, CZ, FR, PT, DE, GR HU, SK, LT NL, BE, FI, MD, RS, IL, HR, PL SE, TR, TW, DK, GE, LV, RO, RU EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary Virtual Teams Completed Ongoing Intelligence Collection and Analysis MPI within EGI Federated Identity Providers ESFRI Contacts within a country EGI presence at the EGU General Assembly 2012 EGI Compendium Digital Cultural Heritage Integration with EGI NGI Content for the new website Fire and Smoke Simulation Inter NGI Usage Report SPEEch on the Grid Producing an NGI User Report EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

Client Relationship Management System To record leads to new user communities Projects (incl. ESFRI) Institutes Persons To record conversations with new user communities To build up European wide picture Provided by Ibergrid: (Login needed) EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary What will EGI be in 2020? I want a single and open European digital space, a digital European Research Area, where researchers can get leading-edge, ubiquitous and reliable services for networking and computing. And where they can get seamless and open access to resources and services. Neelie Kroes, ICRI, March 2012 EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

EGI Strategy Discussions What are the strengths of our community? Where should our focus be for 2020? What can we offer to research communities? How do we relate to a digital European Research Area with 2.8M researchers? EGI Strategy Paper EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

Community & Coordination Supporting Community Events Bringing different communities together Scientific Workflows, Budapest, Feb 2012 HealthGrid/IWSG-Life, Amsterdam, May 2012 Understanding our own community better EGI Compendium & Requirements Gathering Science Gateways & Technologies Consolidating our role in e-Infrastructures Collaboration with: e.nventory, ERINA+, OSIRIS MoUs with: EDGI, SHIWA, WLCG EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

Operational Infrastructure Know how to operate a federated infrastructure Key building block needed within RIs Monitoring of other technologies gLite, ARC, UNICORE and Globus5 Coming soon: DesktopGrids Monitoring central services Top BDII, EGI Global Services Future integration with OLAs Integration of other infrastructures Ukraine & South Africa (in addition to Latin America) Updates to the Operations Tools EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

Federated Private Clouds Community Driven 60 individuals 23 institutions 13 countries Diverse Stakeholders 15 Resource Providers 7 Technology Providers 4 User Communities 3 Liaisons Multiple Technologies 7 OpenNebula 3 StratusLab 3 OpenStack 1 Okeanos 1 WNoDeS Accounting screenshot EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

Research Environments Software environments for researchers Unique to each research community Reuse high quality software components Flexible deployment model across Europe On demand through a federated cloud Directly onto hardware if required Provided centrally – Software as a Service Enable domain specific environments to be deployed EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary EGI Community Forum 170 submissions accepted for 5 tracks Users and communities Software services for users and communities Middleware services Operational services and infrastructure Coordination and Communication Conference4me from PSNC Android Market and iTunes App Store Use the QR code in your programme EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

Do not forget to vote! Voting slips are in your conference bags Ballot box at the reception desk Voting closes at 5pm on Thursday

Best poster & demo prizes Professor Horst Zuse “History of Computing”  Herbert Cornelius “Intel HPC in the Cloud”

EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary After the Conference... Peer-reviewed papers in the Proceedings of Science ISSN-DOI Submission through lead authors Permanent free read-access, quotable, indexed Key dates for authors: Paper submission deadline: 16 April 2012 Author's notification: 15 May 2012 Final paper submission: 30 June 2012 Contact: EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary

EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary Follow EGI live online Read the conference blog at Follow EGI on at (#egicf12) Photos will appear on our stream at  (egicf12 tag for your own photos) “Stories from the Grid” on at Read the EGI blog at Announcements & competitions on at EGI-InSPIRE Opening Plenary