Church Growth: How it can Happen David Goodhew, Cranmer Hall, St John’s College, Durham 21st March 2017
Centre for Church Growth Research A research centre based at Cranmer Hall, St Johns College, Durham University follow via twitter @CCGR_Durham and via its website -
Wise Use of Research how do we measure growth ? how do we define church ? how do we compare diverse areas ? what about data quality ? The best way forward: multiple measures And if there are dangers in numbers, there are even bigger dangers in ignoring numbers…
Sunday Church Attendance in Greater London 1979 696 000 1989 650 000 1998 618 000 2005 623 000 2012 722 000 (from Brierley, Capital Growth, p.57)
Number of Churches in London 1979 3350 1989 3559 1998 3862 2005 4087 2012 4791 Peter Brierley, Capital Growth, p.23
Trade Routes
Some National Figures… Number of pubs in Britain 66 690 in 2003, but 52,201 in June 2016 Number of churches in Britain in 2000 was 48 499. In 2013 it was 50 660. (Source: P. Brierley, Religious Trends 7, UK Church Statistics, 2005-2015 and UK Church Statistics 2; Guardian 10 Aug 2016, accessed 060317)
London Electoral Roll, 1972-2010
Church Attendance in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities There are about 500,000 Christians attending black majority churches in Britain.
New Churches in the North East A survey of New Churches in the North East of England, with Particular Reference to Black and Minority Ethnic Churches. Funded by a Leech Fellowship.
Key Findings List One: 125 new churches Usual Sunday attendance (all age): c. 12 000 Baptisms (in past 12 months): c. 1000
Geographical Patterns
This map of Newcastle shows the location of the BME churches in the city, and indicates how centrally focused these churches are. This is presumably due to the high proportion of BME communities within urban centres. However as I mentioned, we cannot assume that all attendees of central urban churches live in the immediate proximity, and many congregants travel to attend some churches.
New Churches: Chronology 1980s 15 founded 1990s 19 founded 2000s 40 founded 2010 to 2015 25 founded
British ‘Non-Mainline’ Churches 2000 2005 2010 Orthodox 278 154 314 667 333 630 Pentecostal 223 464 286 929 354 934 ‘New’ 170 259 189 873 223 290
Seven Key Factors in Growth: Concrete Expressions of Intentionality Focus on the under-25s Use the Trade Routes Start New Churches Give People Ways In Shut the Back Door Resources
When does faith come ? 84% of people become Christians by the age of 25 72% of whom had done so by the age of 19 (Source: Confidently Sharing the Gospel (London 2012))
Messy Church Started in 2004 There are now at least 2500 Messy Churches in the UK The largest Messy Church in the country is in…Newcastle (Holy Trinity, Jesmond)
Shutting the Back Door… Vacancies Falling parochial clergy numbers and amalgamating parishes. Growing younger clergy
Vacancies ‘a general culture of accepting long vacancies…has been probably the major single cause of Anglican church attendance loss in recent years.’ Bob Jackson, The Road to Growth, 29.
Cutting Clergy Numbers
Candidates recommended at BAPs under the age of 30 2004 71 2005 86 2006 90 2007 88 2008 82 2009 74 2010 108 2011 77 2012 113 2013 113 2014 116
SACRED MYSTERIES SLEEPY HOLLOW - SUNDAY SERVICES Starting 11 th May 1948 8.3:. C… m u_o. 1 45 Fa\’.,y-----------
THE UPPER CREEK GROUP OF PARISHES St Without’s 9.30am alternate Sundays St Paddle’s 11am Family Service 1st & 3rd Sundays, otherwise eucharist Little Snoring 8am Holy Communion (1st Sunday) 6.30 (2 nd & 4th Sundays) Great Creek 9am (summertime) 11am (wintertime) – see church notice board for local variations Joint Services 5th Sundays and other feast days. Come and join us ! Come and join us!
Welcome to… St Isosceles and All Angles 1st Sunday Family Service with Sandpit 2nd Sunday Solemn High Mass 3rd Sunday ‘Old Hymns’ Songs of Praise 4th Sunday Extra-loud Eucharist with rock band ‘Terminal Explosion’ 5th Sunday Baptisms by the riverbank: whatever the weather! Come every week!
Welcome to St Wooldyed Come to St Wooldyed’s for reverence and tradition: 8.00 Early Mass 10.30 Morning Mass 6.30 Evening Mass We always use the proper Prayer Book at St Wooldyed Three similar services – one type of person
Our service every week are: Welcome to All Saints Our service every week are: 9.30 Holy Eucharist with Choir 11.00 Family Service with groups for children 4.00 Service in Urdu 7.00 Contemporary Praise Four distinct services-four types of people