Welcome To Trinity!.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome To Trinity!

October Mission of the Month World Communion Special Offering The special offering provides World Communion Scholarships, the Ethnic Scholarship Program and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program.

Area United Methodist Churches Feast and Worship MONTHLY CONNECTION! HOLY SPIRIT WORSHIP Area United Methodist Churches Feast and Worship Please see details in the bulletin! Next event: Noon, Sunday. Oct. 2, Goodman, WI Union Protestant Church Potluck and Haiti Program

Every third Sunday of the month JOYFUL NOISE OFFERING! Every third Sunday of the month

College Student Outreach Another year of college has ended and we are taking a break for the summer. Please contact Jen Gauthier at 221-2840, or Moira Cowling at 774-5130 with the Fall, 2016 addresses of students in our congregation. We had great success with this program last year & hope to continue again sending messages & packages of goodies throughout the year. Our goal is to make our college students aware of the fact that their Trinity United Methodist Church family is thinking of them.

CHURCH WEBSITE has a new look CHURCH WEBSITE has a new look! Looking for some help administrating it, and taking input for additions/changes as we go. It’s easier…it’s fun! Talk to Dean Laitinen if you’re interested. 396-4339 or dlaitinen@charter.net

Verse of the Week: …for God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline 2 Timothy 1: 7 (NLT)

Adult Sunday School Books Have Arrived. Please join us this fall Adult Sunday School Books Have Arrived! Please join us this fall! Adult SS began Sunday, Sept. 11, but there is still time to join! All are welcome!

Help out the church for FREE… What if God’s Country Cooperative Parish earned a penny every time you surfed the internet? Well we can! Go to www.goodsearch.com and enter “God’s Country Cooperative Parish” as the charity you want to support, and surf away as normal! It’s powered by Yahoo. If 500 people searched 4 times a day, for example, that’s $7300 a year for the parish without anyone spending a dime! Check it out and spread the word!

Confirmation Pictures Confirmation Pictures! If you haven’t had a chance, check out the wall in the Fellowship Hall that now has all of the Confirmation pictures framed & hung. Many thanks to Mariann Waldbillig, who inspired this project; Karen Klenke, who advised us; & the Marie Bleecker money that was used to pay for it!

Other Announcements Camp Michigamme History Book by Alan Larsen…If you borrowed this book from the church library, please return it soon so that others may enjoy it. Thanks.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED FOR 2nd and 3rd Grade Call Cindy at 221-1094 Church Office at 774-2545

TODAY is our Joy-full Offering Bring your loose change to help with paying the bills here at church!