Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday By Hannah, Natasha, Cindy
What is it ? Holy Saturday - is part of the Holy Week and remembers the day that Jesus lay in the tomb after his death. It is the day after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday Easter Sunday – on Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, 3 Days after his death . It is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year for most christian churches.
Why is it celebrated/ remembered by Christians? EASTER SUNDAY Jesus' resurrection enables Christians to say they have been saved by God. It confirms the truth that there is an eternal life in heaven after death. Jesus' resurrection shows that Jesus is God and it is important for Christians who believe in the Trinity to remember this. It is celebrated because it heals the breach between humans and God after the fall HOLY SATURDAY It is also known as the Vigil of Easter. The day is traditionally a time of reflection and waiting. The vigil stems back to when Jesus’ followers spent this day waiting after his crucifixion on Good Friday. It is also known as the day when Roman governor Pontius Pilate instructed guards to be posted at the tomb to prevent Jesus’ followers from removing the body to claim that he had risen from the dead.
How is it celebrated/remembered by Christians? EASTER SUNDAY On Easter Sunday candles and banners will be put back up, often there are floral displays on, in Catholic and Anglican churches, the minister will wear white. The service will be full of praise as hymns are sung celebrating Jesus' triumph over death. Often baptisms will happen on this day as a symbol of a new life. HOLY SATURDAY The Roman Catholic Church, the Church of England and other churches have an Easter Virgil (service) on the Saturday evening. Often the congregation meets outside the church and a bonfire is lit. The Paschal Candle is brought out and the minister puts 5 pieces of incense on it, each piece representing one of the five wounds that Jesus received on the cross. The candle is lit and the minister leads the congregation into the church. The minister will say, 'Christ our Light,' and the people will answer, 'Thanks to be God.' Each member of the congregation will have a small candle lit from the Paschal Candle to holds his during the Eucharist. The Easter vigil is also important because many baptisms happen at this time.
Why is it important It is important for all Christians because it is a momentous event which happened in the bible. The gap once created by Adam and Eve can now be overcome and paradise is open again to Christianity Holy Saturday is the End of lent Confirms the truth of their hope of eternal life in heaven after they have died By resurrecting, Jesus shows that he is God