In the scalp EEG, slow-wave activity was present in 62% In the scalp EEG, slow-wave activity was present in 62%. Its distribution was most commonly regional and then multiregional, or generalized. The slow-wave activity was more commonly absent in temporal than extratemporal tumor groups. Interictal epileptiform discharges occurred in 32 of the 37 patients and were present in all of those with extratemporal epilepsy. They were most often multiregional (n = 15), or regional (n = 12), or multiregional and generalized (n = 5). They were usually found over the lobe involved by the tumor, but in three patients, they were predominantly contralateral. An interictal mirror focus was found in 26.9% of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.104 Another study of ganglioglioma in temporal lobe revealed scalp IEDs ipsilateral temporal in 71% of patients, bitemporal in 19%, and generalized in 19%.105 Source: Focal Epilepsy, Atlas of Pediatric EEG Citation: Laoprasert P. Atlas of Pediatric EEG; 2011 Available at: Accessed: October 06, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved