Shared Governance at Penn State University New Faculty Orientation August 17, 2017 Matthew Woessner Chair, University Faculty Senate
Governance of the University The Pennsylvania State University is governed by a 38-member Board of Trustees. Board of Trustees “Day-to-Day Management and Control of the University” University President (Senior Administration) “Educational Interests of the University” University Faculty Senate
Governance on Paper University President On paper this looks like a lopsided power-sharing arrangement University President (Senior Administration) University Faculty Senate “Day-to-Day Management and Control of the University” “Educational Interests of the University”
Influence Through Prestige Formal Authority is Often Misleading University President (Senior Administration) University Faculty Senate “Day-to-Day Management and Control of the University” “Educational Interests of the University” “Constitutions in the Ivory Tower: Considering whether the structure of faculty representative institutions alter the balance of power between the professoriate and the administration.” Woessner & Kehler (2018) - Forthcoming PS: Political Science and Politics.
Mirroring History Senate 2 1 Ancient Rome Citizens Consuls Comitia 3 5 6 7 1 4 Tribune 9 10 8 Praetors 1 2 5 6 3 4 7 8 Senate Censors 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 17 18 19 20 Quaestors Aedile 1 2 3 4 Comitia Centuriata Concilium Plebis Comitia Tributa Citizens Patricians Plebeians Woessner & Kehler (2018)
Collaborative Governance Policy-making involves extensive consultation with the University Faculty Senate University President (Senior Administration) University Faculty Senate Consultation “Day-to-Day Management and Control of the University” “Educational Interests of the University”
The Senate’s Basic Structure University Faculty Senate ≃ 200 Elected Faculty ≃ 20 Students ≃ 20 Administrative Appointments Senate Officers 4 Members Senate Council ≃ 30 Members
The Senate Officers Senate Chair Secretary Senate Chair-Elect Immediate Past Chair Secretary The Senate Officers are elected by the members of the University Faculty Senate for a one-year term. Only the Secretary may run for re-election.
University Faculty Senate Breaking Down the Work The Legislative & Advisory Work of the Senate is Handled Primarily by 15 Senate Committees University Faculty Senate FB FA EECE UE SL IRC CC&R CC&R ICA ARSSA CA RES OR GP LIST
Functions & Committees Educational Committees: Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid Curricular Affairs Undergraduate Education Governance Committee: Committee on Rules Advisory and Consultative Committees: Educational Equity & Campus Environment Faculty Affairs Faculty Benefits Global Programs Intercollegiate Athletics Intra-University Relations Libraries, Information Systems, and Technology Outreach Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Student Life University Planning
Chair & CC&R Populates the Committees The chair w/ the rules committee (CC&R) assigns senators & their leaders to 14 remaining committees. Senate Chair CC&R UE IRC OR SL LIST FB RES EECE ARSSA FA ICA GP CA UP
The Chair Charges the Committees The chair w/ the officers draft charges for the 15 standing committees. Senate Officers CC&R UE IRC OR SL LIST FB RES EECE ARSSA FA ICA GP CA UP
Direct Communication Campus Visits University President (Senior Administration) Senate Officers Chair Elect IPC Sec Every year the Senate Officers visit 1/3 of the Penn State campuses to meet privately with students, staff, faculty, and local administrators.
Direct Communication University Park College Visits President (Senior Administration) Senate Officers Chair Elect IPC Sec Every year the Senate Officers visit 1/3 of the University Park Colleges to meet privately with students, staff, faculty, and local administrators.
Direct Communication Cutting Through the Hierarchy University President (Senior Administration) Deans & Chancellors Senate Officers College Administrators Chair Elect IPC Department Administrators Sec The concerns of faculty, students, and staff are communicated directly with senior administrators. The discussions are kept confidential. These visits provide employees with an opportunity to give a candid account of their views and perspectives.
(Senior Administration) Shared Governance CC&R OR University President (Senior Administration) EECE FA SL Consultation ICA FB RES ARSSA IRC UE SL LIST GP CA At its best, shared governance creates a partnership between the faculty and the administration.
Closer Ties with the Board of Trustees Today the University Faculty Senate also works with the Board of Trustees Finance, Business, and Capital Planning Committee (Chair) Academic Affairs and Student Life Committee (Chair-elect) Outreach, Development and Community Relations Committee (Secretary) Long Range Planning Committee (Chair; Senate Committee on University Planning) Academic Trustee (Senator David C. Han, MD) Board of Trustees Committees University President (Senior Administration) Board of Trustees Senate Officers + 2 Senate Appointments 1 Academic Trustee
Objective of Shared Governance University Senate CC&R OR University President (Senior Administration) EECE FA SL ICA FB RES ARSSA IRC UE SL LIST GP CA Colaboration Board of Trustees Through shared governance we’re working on building a partnership between the Board or Trustees, the administration, and the faculty.
What does this mean for new faculty? At first, probably not much… New faculty often focus on teaching, service, and (where required) research. Early-on, there will be opportunities to take an active role in college (local) senates, sometimes called faculty advisory councils. University Senate CC&R OR EECE FA ICA FB RES ARSSA IRC UE SL LIST GP CA Look to University Senators for information, and one avenue to communicate concerns about issues that impact all of Penn State. Most faculty run for the University Faculty Senate once they are established in their programs. It’s a demanding and rewarding service opportunity.
Right & Responsibilities University Senate Finally, being a member of the Penn State faculty affords important rights and responsibilities. The University Faculty Senate works to preserve those rights to strengthen Penn State’s academic mission: CC&R OR EECE FA SL ICA FB RES ARSSA IRC UE SL LIST GP CA Preserving academic freedom Defending the right to take part in shared governance Giving voice to the views of the faculty Promoting transparency Pursuing accountability for students, faculty, and administrators.