“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Welcome Curriculum Night 2016-2017 “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” ~Dr. Seuss
Trimester 1 Tentative Schedule Daily Schedule Student Locator Cards Parent Locator cards Trimester 1 Tentative Schedule
Learning Log Signed every Thursday (one signature each time, please) Communication with Parents Record all assignments and knowledge tickets
Lists Standards being assessed Students may re-test on standards below a SS of 3 on any TEST – to possibly earn a SS of 3 This new accuracy score will be averaged with the previous accuracy score (%) Test Tracking Sheet
Test Tracking Sheet (TTSheet) Lists dates for re-test and location Students must return the TTSheet, with sections marked for re-test, on the specified day to be allowed to re-test Students must return the test on the day of the re-test along with “proof” of continued learning on that standard Test Tracking Sheet (TTSheet)
Spirals Children USUALLY hate what is good for them. Separate notebook for Spiral work and to tape / glue spiral into Spirals can be found on my website as well as the answers – they are only going to get from this what they put into it
Homework Daily practice of skill taught / reviewed that day Kept in note/homework notebook Learning Log is the “index” for this notebook Must be corrected at home as part of homework and students are to attempt to get to the correct answer First few minutes of each class period is designated for homework questions
Grading Grades: Tests / Summative Assessments Knowledge Tickets / Exit Tickets / Formative Assessments Quizzes / Formative Assessments Projects Notebooks / Homework
Grading Grading Criteria: 4 Above grade level standards 3 At grade level standards 2 Working towards grade level 1 Needs Improvement
Standards Curriculum Maps are on my website Middle School Math CCSS 6th & 7th Pre-Algebra CCSS 7th & 8th HS Algebra Algebra CCSS HS Algebra Geometry CCSS HS Geometry
Website / Communication stcatherineschool.net Student Life (tab) Teacher Pages MsBohmpage Homework calendar mbohm@stcatherineschool.net