Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System Engin YILMAZ 2017
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System CCS Cross currency swap can be described as change of notional currencies (principals) and interest payments in contract for a certain time period. Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System CCS is used Most discussions on swaps start with some analysis of the so-called comparative advantage argument One counterparty has a relative advantage borrowing on, say, a fixed rate basis and another has a relative advantage borrowing on a floating rate basis. Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System CCS is used This comparative advantage argument may very well have been the motivating factor behind the genesis of the swaps market over 30 years ago but doesn’t play a huge role today Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System CCS is used Cross currency swap is used by national and international banks for hedging, speculation and balance sheet management. Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System CCS is If principals are in the same currency and only interest payments are exchanged, this swap is called as interest rate swap. If principals are in the different currencies and principals are exchanged, this swap is called as currency swap. If principals are in the different currencies, interest payments and principals are exchanged , this swap is called as cross currency swap. Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System Principal Interest Payment Same Currency Interest Rate Swap - + Currency Swap Cross Currency Swap CCS is Foreign exchange swaps : Transactions involving the actual exchange of two currencies (principal amount only) on a specific date at a rate agreed at the time of the conclusion of the contract and a reverse exchange of the same two currencies at a date further in the future at a rate agreed at the time of the contract. B I S Currency swaps : Contracts which commit two counterparties to exchange streams of interest payments in different currencies for an agreed period of time and/or to exchange principal amounts in different currencies at a pre-agreed exchange rate at maturity. Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System Literature on CCS A few study, Focus on swap spread boom in 2008-2009 global crisis, Dollar borrowing in the international markets Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System Literature on CCS Mak (2009) Ryden et al. (2012) Blavarg (2013) Riksbank(2013) Hilander (2014) Molland (2014) Stacey et al. (2013) Duran and Küçüksaraç (2012) Şimşek (2015) Keleş (2016) Balance Sheet Management Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Turkish Banking System Loans – Deposits Gap Detailed Loans – Deposits Gap Source: Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Statistics (BRSA), Turkey, December 2016 Source: Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Statistics (BRSA), Turkey, December 2016 Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Turkish Banking System Assets | Liabilities FX - TRY TRY (A) - TRY (L) = FX (L) – FX (A) Source: Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Statistics (BRSA), Turkey, December 2016 Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System Open Position Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System There is no Open Position Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Turkish Banking System TRY Assets - TRY Liabilities Gap TRY Gap / TRY Assets Source: Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Statistics (BRSA), Turkey, December 2016 Source: Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Statistics (BRSA), Turkey, December 2016 Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System Derivatives in Turkey Derivative Financial Instruments (Million TRY) % Forward FX Transactions 168.230 8,5 Money Swaps 971.553 49,3 Interest Rate Swaps 503.787 25,6 Other Derivatives 327.155 16,6 Source: Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Statistics (BRSA), Turkey, December 2016 Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System Money Swaps in Turkey Total Foreign Exchange Assets 1.686.434,43 Total Foreign Exchange Liabilities 1.690.794,24 -4.359,82 Balance Sheet - Total Assets FX (million TL) 1.095.570,75 Balance Sheet - Total Liabilities FX (million TL) 1.250.731,06 -155.160,31 Off Balance Sheet Accounts (FX Asset) (million TL) 515.846,39 Off Balance Sheet Accounts (FX Liability) (million TL) 445.147,19 70.699,20 Source: Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Statistics (BRSA), Turkey, December 2016 Engin YILMAZ | Cross-Currency Swaps in the Turkish Banking System
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