Unit 4 Use legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice
Learning Outcomes Reflect on personas and their impact on practitioners Consider labelling and what makes us different Identify policies and procedures relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice. Explain roles and responsibilities when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice.
Persona Dolls – Do you know…..
Creating a new world!!
2. Understand how policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice (2.1) Every setting will have a set of policies and procedures to ensure equality, diversity and inclusive practice, including: Equal opportunities Inclusion Medication Special educational needs Food and drink Behaviour Anti-discriminatory practice.
Activity – produce a poster…..
2. Understand how policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice (2.1, 2.2) Equal opportunities – this will ensure everyone within the setting is treated equally. Inclusion – this will ensure that all children are included and are able to access the setting and the activities to the best of their ability. Medication – settings will have policies about administering non-prescription medication such as Calpol. The policy should not discriminate against children who require medication for a condition or long-term illness.
Describe how your setting provides equal opportunities. Consider: 2. Understand how policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice (2.1, 2.2) Time: 15 mins Describe how your setting provides equal opportunities. Consider: If a child had a mobility difficulty or a visual impairment, would they be able to safely access all areas of the setting? Do practitioners challenge stereotypes, for example if a boy said only boys can play with certain toys? Are all activities adapted to meet individual needs and abilities? Why is all of the above important? Learners should discuss their own experiences, both positive and negative.
2. Understand how policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice (2.1, 2.2) Policies and procedures Special educational needs – this will show how practitioners will meet the individual needs of any children with special educational needs within the setting. Food and drink – this will identify how any special dietary requirements will be met. Behaviour – this will explain the expectations and sanctions for behaviour within the setting, and will include information for children with behavioural difficulties. Anti-discriminatory – this will clearly state how any act of discrimination will not be tolerated and how it will be dealt with.
2. Understand how policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice (2.1, 2.2) Time: 15 mins Describe how children’s individual dietary needs are met within your setting. Consider: Are there children with allergies to certain foods? Are some children vegetarian? Are there cultural reasons for children having different food? How are children identified as having different dietary needs? Do you feel children with dietary needs are made to feel different in your setting, or are they fully included? Learners should discuss a typical mealtime or snack time in their setting, and describe how individual needs are met. Some settings will have a chart with relevant information on, some will use colour-coded plates, some will sit children according to their dietary needs – this final example can make children feel different and excluded.
Roles and responsibilities 2. Understand how policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice (2.1, 2.2) Roles and responsibilities All practitioners have a responsibility to follow the setting’s policies and procedures. Every setting will have designated people with specific responsibilities within the policies and procedures. The head of a setting has overall responsibility, and must be informed about any incidents relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.
Roles and responsibilities 2. Understand how policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice (2.1, 2.2) Roles and responsibilities All practitioners also have a responsibility: To value the individual child To develop and sustain a child-centred approach To engage actively with the family to appreciate the holistic needs of the child To be a positive role model in promoting equality, diversity and inclusive practice To recognise discriminatory practice To know how, why and when to challenge discrimination To engage in effective partnership working to enable the child.
2. Understand how policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice (2.1, 2.2) Time: 15 mins What would you do if you felt a child was not being fully included? Consider: Mealtimes Outdoor play Story and rhyme time Who you would talk to Following the policies and procedures of the setting. What might happen if you did not raise this concern? The child may be being left out by other children or being ignored by staff members. Learners need to discuss the importance of dealing with this situation and the impact it may have on the child if left unchecked.
Summary Policies and procedures inform day-to-day practice. Everyone has a role to play in a creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment. The head of the setting has overall responsibility for maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment.
Plenary Describe how you could set up the home corner to reflect the diversity of the local area. How can mealtimes be inclusive? Explain why it is important to adapt an activity so that all children can join in.
Thanks you – see you Friday