Making your language selection for next year. Hola Bonjour Making your language selection for next year.
You can choose between French or Spanish. In seventh grade you take the first part of Spanish or French 1. In eighth grade you take the second part of Spanish or French 1. Then, in high school you continue with the same language for levels 2, 3, 4, 5 & AP
Where is Spanish spoken?
Where is French spoken?
What Spanish words do you know?
What French words do you know?
French The Body / Le corps Sing 2x: Touch your head. Touche ta tête. Touch your shoulders. Touche tes épaules. Touch your feet. Touche tes pieds. Touch your knees. Touche tes genoux. Touch your eyes. Touche tes yeux. Touch your ears. Touche tes oreilles. Touch your mouth, nose, Touche ta bouche, ton nez, and cheeks. et tes joues. Head, shoulders, feet, and knees, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and cheeks. Tête, épaules, pieds, et genoux, yeux, oreilles, bouche, nez et joues.
Spanish The Body / El cuerpo Sing 2x: Point to your head. Muéstrame tu cabeza. Point to your shoulders. Muéstrame tus hombros. Point to your feet. Muéstrame tus pies. Point to your knees. Muéstrame tus rodillas. Point to eyes. Muéstrame tus ojos. Point to your ears. Muéstrame tus orejas. Point to your mouth, nose, Muéstrame tu boca, nariz, and cheeks. y mejillas. Head, shoulders, feet, and knees, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and cheeks. Cabeza, hombros, pies, rodillas, ojos, orejas, boca, nariz, mejillas.