Isabelle Laplante MLIS Head Librarian February 18, 2013 The Centre de documentation collégiale: your e-library focusing on education! « ebook Collections available to you on eLearning and Moodle » Isabelle Laplante MLIS Head Librarian February 18, 2013
Presentation plan About the CDC and its “network” mandate Full library services Online demonstration of ebooks access: «Books on Moodle and elearning» 4. Questions
1. Brief history 1970 Creation of the CADRE documentation centre by the new network of Québec colleges 1991 The Cégep André-Laurendeau signs an agreement with the MEQ to create the CDC and ensure its management and development 2006 The self-assessment report is sent to the MELS 2008 Signature of a letter of agreement covering 2008-2012 2010 The first strategic plan adopted by the Cégep André-Laurendeau’s board of directors 2012- 2013 Self-assessment report on the strategic plan. On going : a new agreement and a new Plan
1. The “network” mandate Excerpt from the 2007-2012 letter of agreement By subsidizing the CENTRE’s activities, the minister: Provides support to the college teaching network for the development, enhancement and dissemination of a documentary heritage relating to pedagogy, teaching, institutional development and education that is specific to this educational level.
BY and FOR colleges and CEGEPs 1. Mandate summary A special library: A complement to college libraries • A single documentary holding: Since the college network was created and even before! Regrouping everything that is published within the network BY and FOR colleges and CEGEPs Collaborating in network projects
1. The heritage and research collections
1. The heritage and research collections: Types of documents Three types of documents: Paper (published books, articles, grey literature, …) Digital (digital files, databases covering scientific papers, …) Other formats (CDs, DVDs, disks, VHS, …)
1. The heritage collection: Sources College documents… Institutional research papers Research-related policies ... MELS documents… Conseil supérieur de l’éducation CEEC … Documents from network partners (AQPC, ARC,…) Reports, conference proceedings, bulletins, advisories, … Other documents (Personal gifts, Web, …)
1. The heritage collection: Corpus of research papers : PAREA, PREP, AQPC, ARC, …
1. The heritage collection: AQPC corpus (Journal and Proceedings)
1. Research collection Purchase of books in bookstores Purchase or licensing agreements for e-books on education Databases on scientific papers: ProQuest: 2000 magazine titles are indexed (including 1000 titles in full text!) ERIC CBCA FullText Education ProQuest Education Journal
1. Research collection: Databases of scientific papers ProQuest databases (including the ERIC Library) : “Network” licence
1. Research collection: E-books Purchased or licenced
2. Full library services: Purchases, dissemination, loans, support, etc… Website (information, guides, tools, …) Online catalogue Mediagraphy by themes College documentation bulletin Document loans and reservations Documentary research support Purchasing tips
2. Full library services: Website :
2. Full library services: Online catalogue
2. Full library services: Suggestions in the online catalogue
4. Full library services: Most “up-to-date” online catalogue
2. Full library services: Requests for “advanced” searches
2. Full library services: Research support Online guides and a well-connected librarian!
2. College documentation bulletin: Real documentary summaries FREE! Subscribe to the Newsletter or visit our website! Previously published editions: _Teaching the First Term _Intercultural: The Intercultural Training of Students _Class Management _Formative Assessment _Intercultural: Managing cultural diversity in the classroom _School Success for Boys _Assessing Team Work In the works: _Succeeding in college _Handicapped Student Population …
3. Online demonstration E-books Using the « CDC’s Proxy »:
3. Online demonstration Steps to read an eBook (ex. Ebscohost) Access the CDC’s catalog Have your CDC’S «Ez-Proxy Login» Then… Find ebook My EbscoHost login Select « Download » Select length of the loan Then an eBooks reader Adobe digital Edition: PC, tablet, iPad, … 1-2 weeks If needed… Create an «Adobe ID » :
Source: http://www. digitalbookworld
4. Questions? + Get your FREE e-resources access code! Our website: Contact us: or Follow us! February 18, 2013 Thank you! February 18, 2013