Digital Marketing
How to open ERP Software? User Name Password Username can be Mobile Number or Email Here User need to Enter User name and password in order to login the software.
How to open ERP Software? Next Step to Enter OTP with is received in mobile or Email. And Software will Open.
Digital Marketing Software
Master Forms
Short Enquiry This form is used to send Introduction email and sms of the company to the parties who are strangers for the company. This also used to send company pamphlets, brochures, profiles to the clients to advertise the product.
Enquiry Form This form is used to send email and sms to the customers for the first time. This also used to send company pamphlets, brochures, profiles to the clients to advertise the products.
Multiple E-mail Sender This form is used to send multiple emails group wise. Also ,User can set the limit of number of emails that he want to send.
Multiple SMS Sender This form is used to send multiple SMS group wise.For this, User need to select any of template then select group to which email to be sent.
MIS Reports
Date Wise Leads Summary The purpose of this MIS report is to display datewise leads of selected employee during a month. It also displays the total leads of all employees in a month. Ironically, this report is effective for the administration of the company. He can easily monitor the performance of employees as well as company.
Month Wise Leads Summary The purpose of this MIS report is to display month wise leads of selected employee during a year. It also displays the total leads of all employees in a year. Ironically, this report is effective for the administration of the company. He can easily monitor the performance of employees as well as company.
Category Wise Leads Summary The purpose of this report is to display the Category wise leads summary which shows number of entries he entered in a day and which kind category he used.
Emp Wise Leads Detail The purpose of this report is to display the employee wise leads detail which shows detail of lead and name of employee or user.
Emp Wise Leads Summary The purpose of this report is to display the employee wise leads summary which shows number of entries he entered in a day.
City & Emp Wise Leads Detail The purpose of this report is to display the Leads detail city wise and Employee wise.It includes leads detail such as dated, person name, Company., Mobile, Email etc.
Repitative Mobiles of Parties The purpose of this report is to display the repetition of Mobile Numbers of Parties.
Repitative Emails of Parties The purpose of this report is to display the repetition of Emails of Parties.
Emails & SMS
Short Enquiry Email
Enquiry Email
Enquiry & Short Enquiry SMS
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