INTERREG-IIIB CADSES Neighbourhood Program: a general overview Walther Stöckl, City of Vienna Department for EU-strategy and Economic Development 9-10 November 2004, Continental Hotel, Brno-Czech Republic Walther will declare the opening of the 3rd call for CADSES!
INTERREG OUTLOOK: Community Initiative SF-period 2000-2006 4,875 billion € (1999 prices) „Incentive“ for co-operation across national borders New partnerships/new governance -> European integration
CADSES Co-operation Area
CADSES – Central Adriatic Danubian South-Eastern European Space one of the largest co-operation areas in Europe extending from Germany to the Black Sea and from the Baltic Sea to Greece 4 member states: Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy 5 new member states: Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Poland 2 candidate countries: Bulgaria, Romania 7 third countries: Moldova, Ukraine, Croatia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Serbia&Montenegro, Albania, FYROM 220 Mio. inhabitants
From IIC to CADSESIIIB: what has changed. Interreg IIC: a partnership network of national and regional coordinators, national+ERDF/PHARE contribution to each project on the national and regional level, without LP principle. Interreg IIIB: MA/PA/JTS/, LP principle, common negotiations on Program level, establishement of common rules and procedures on a national and regional level.
Neighbourhood IIIB CADSES Is a Programme That Supports the Territorial Cohesion of Europe Through: Joint Territorial Planning Support of transnational strategies for co-operation Laying ground for cohesion policies in a large european space with 18 partner countries
CADSES IIIB Neighbourhood Program Priorities PRIORITY 1 : Spatial, Urban and Regional development and economic co-operation in Rural areas PRIORITY 2 : Transport studies, logistics and information society PRIORITY 3 : Cultural heritage, landscape protection PRIORITY 4 : Environmental protection, flood prevention and risk management
INTERREG IIIB CADSES After 1st + 2nd Call 187 project applications submitted, 73 projects approved Overview of the results of the two calls ... ... about 960 project partners from all 18 countries ... at the average 13-14 partners per project ... project sizes (based on ERDF-funds) between 160.000 Euro and 2,8 million Euro ... average project size: 1,2 million Euro
Remaining available ERDF/NP/PHARE funds ERDF : 61,6 Mio € Neighbourhood Funds : 4,8 Mio € CARDS/ 5 Mio € TACIS PHARE : approx. 4 Mio € for Bulgaria, Romania and possibly Croatia from 2005. Grand Total available for the next 2 CADSES calls for proposals: approx. 75 Mio €
Wide Thematic Range of Project Activities
Already PP from new MS and non-MS involved
FUTURE OF INTERREG NEW PERSPECTIVE ON EUROPEAN COHESION The new cohesion policy is designed for the next generation of programs in 2007 – 2013. Aims to reduce disparities and to promote greater Economic, Social and Territorial cohesion Organized around a simplified and more transparent framework with the new generation of programs tailored on three (3) headings:
FUTURE OF INTERREG NEW PERSPECTIVE ON EUROPEAN COHESION First priority : Convergence - supporting growth/ job creation - GDP less than 75 % of EU average - 78 % of Structural Funds budget
FUTURE OF INTERREG NEW PERSPECTIVE ON EUROPEAN COHESION Second priority : Regional Competitiveness and Employment - Objectives 2 & 3 - 18 % of Structural Funds budget
FUTURE OF INTERREG NEW PERSPECTIVE ON EUROPEAN COHESION Third priority : European Territorial Co-operation - aiming at ensuring harmonious and balanced development throughout the European Union - new objective based on INTERREG structure/experience including also initiatives found in Leader and Equal
FUTURE OF INTERREG NEW PERSPECTIVE ON EUROPEAN COHESION Third priority : - 4 % of Structural Funds budget tripled from INTERREG III - present strand A (cross border cooperation) mainly unchanged - strands B & C – ongoing debate - establishment of specific EU legal instrument for managing Transna- tional co-operation structures and projects.
the EU-Enlargement implementation INTERREG IIIB CADSES Is an EU Funding Instrument That Covers Political Areas of Strategic Importance for : the Cohesion of Europe at the EU-external borders through the Neighbourhood Policy the EU-Enlargement implementation Spatial Integration and Sustainable Development of Urban areas and Regions
Welcome to it! to a new, enlarged Europe and the INTERREG IIIB CADSES Is an EU Funding Instrument That Covers Political Areas of Strategic Importance for: Know-how exchange in the framework of management of structural funds social, economic and political cohesion to a new, enlarged Europe and the CADSES 3rd call for proposals is your opportunity to join the program. Welcome to it!