ACT SLIDESHOW How does action overcome water vulnerability?
WATER VULNERABILITY AND ACTION In the Learn activities, you thought about the causes and symptoms of water vulnerability. In the Think activities, you thought about some solutions to water vulnerability. Now we are going to look at how different actions help overcome water vulnerability...
WATER VULNERABILITY CHAIN Poverty can make it difficult for water-vulnerable communities to act. The impact of overcoming water vulnerability increases the ability of communities to take action themselves. Causes of water vulnerability Symptoms of water vulnerability Actions of water- vulnerable communities Impact Can you think why? Can you think why? Oxfam acts as a catalyst to help water-vulnerable communities solve water problems faster and more effectively. Can you think how?
DID YOU NOTICE…? Water-vulnerable communities take most of the action to overcome water problems themselves. Oxfam acts as a catalyst to help water-vulnerable communities overcome water problems faster and more effectively.
OXFAM’S WATER WEEK ACTION What actions were Oxfam and water-vulnerable communities able to take as a result of fundraising and campaigning in previous Oxfam Water Weeks? Were they long or short-term actions?
IN MALI WE USED FUNDS TO… Provide water pumps at schools so around 2000 pupils and teachers have access to clean water. Build blocks of latrines at eight schools. Equip schools and teachers with hygiene kits, training and hygiene clubs. Was this short or long-term action?
IN NIGER WE USED FUNDS TO… Provide 800 women with tools, seeds and training in farming techniques. Build four wells which mean that school children, especially girls, no longer have to miss school to walk long distances to fetch water. Credit: Fatoumate Diabate/Oxfam Was this short or long-term action?
IN LIBERIA WE USED FUNDS TO… Construct a concrete dam and four earth dams to store water. Install canals to irrigate rice fields all year round. Clear and repair 700 acres of swamp land close to farmers’ homes. Credit: Kieran Doherty/Oxfam Was this short or long-term action?
NOW WATCH THE ACT FILM CLIPS ABOUT ACTION IN NIGER… What action did Oxfam take? What action did the Banibangou community take? How are farmers maintaining the new irrigation system? Now have a go at making a class water vulnerability chain…
CAMPAIGNING Students sent messages asking the UK government to help reduce water vulnerability. IMAGE INFO: Pupils at Craneswater School in Southsea delivered 90 letters to No.10 demanding the government do more to help children who have no access to clean water. They designed their own t-shirts to highlight their message. Pupil, Ruby, 10, said: “We hope we will be able to raise lots of money for Oxfam… but more importantly we want to make sure Mr Cameron increases overseas aid. We are passionate about this.” Headteacher Dave Jones said: “I’m very proud of our children. It was their idea to write to Mr Cameron and their arguments are persuasive, because they feel so strongly about it.” Credit: John McLaverty/Oxfam
FUNDRAISING Schools and communities raised funds in different ways. IMAGE INFO: First picture: City of Bristol College used the Water Week SEN resources to engage pupils with water related issues. They raised £267 for Oxfam. Credit: Sally Searman Second picture: At Hanover Street School in Aberdeen, the Year 1/2 class made a DVD on looking after the world and sold copies to raise money for Oxfam Water Week. Credit: Elizabeth Elrick Third picture: GCE Young Ambassadors Sam Whittingham and Millie Wells used Water Week resources in their citizenship day at Ringwood School to highlight the lack of water and sanitation facilities in the schools they visited in India. Credit: John McLaverty/Oxfam
TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO WATER VULNERABILITY You just have to decide what to do... Campaigning Fundraising Or both! Don’t forget to review your activities after you have done them!