PRIA’s Programmatic Interventions during 2011-12 Presentation By Strategic Management Board (SMB) PRIA, New Delhi Governing Board Meeting, 19th May 2011
1. Governanace Urban Governanace Urban Advocacy Resource Centre JNNURUM LogoLink Asian Platform on Local Governanace Conflict and Governanace
2. Social Inclusion Study on Functioning of Statutory Bodies (Commissions, Committees etc) for Dalits in 5 states of the country Empowering Dalit Young Girls: Consolidation in Haryana and New Initiatives in Bihar
3. Gender Strengthening Gender Responses of Panchayats in Rajasthan Gender Training – Airport Authority of India Capacity Building on Sexual Harassment Campaign against Sexual Harssament
4. Social Accountability Promoting Social Accountability in Asia: Bangladesh and Cambodia Social Audit under JNNURUM
5. CSO- Business Collaborations Avantha Governanace Award CSO-Business Case Study
6. Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) Strengthening LME in SDI Evaluation of Prog on Citizens Against Corruption Partnership and Transpernecy FundTF Thematic Learning Programme on PME International Conference on PME with INTRAC and PSO
7. Capacity Building CB on District Planning : Madhya Pradesh CB on District Planning : Rajasthan CB/Institutional Assessment : AfghanAid Strengthening Civil Society Conflict Transformation Capacities CSO-Business Case Study Internship: Uvic Field School, Munk School, Calagary Board of Education
8. Knowledge Building MK4D: Mobilizing Knowledge For Development Virtual Platform Thematic Learning Programme on Organizational Learning for Social Change
9. Course Development and Course Teaching New courses being developed on: Activity Mapping, Decentralized Planning, Urban Planning, Social Inclusion and Social Audit Ongoing Courses on :
Budget, 2011 -12 Theme Revenue (in Rs Lakh) Out of Pocket HR Cost Indirect Cost Governanace 312.39 167.93 96.77 47.69 Social Inclusion 16.43 7.00 8.00 1.43 Gender 60.81 28.50 25.04 7.27 Social Account. 21.18 15.00 3.85 2.33 CSO-Bus 22.74 6.56 12.83 3.35 PME 21.11 11.53 6.52 3.06 Capacity Blding 101.78 57.31 37.97 6.50 Know. Building 43.83 18.83 20.22 4.78 Courses 78.88 36.17 30.71 12.00 TOTAL 679.15 348.83 241.91 88.41
Annual Budget: 2011 -12 (Figs in Rs. Lakhs) Types of Expenses Revenue Expenses Balance In hand Anticipated Total 1. Prog. Staff 241.91 72 313.91 281.15 + 32.76 2. MSSC 108.41 18 126.41 126.63 - 0.22 Salary 70.06 Operational Routine 56.57 Additional Requirements Capital Investments 25.45 Institutional Strengthening 21.50 330.32 90 420.32 454.73 - 34.41