Science Chapter 2.4 Reptiles Fourth Grade Lenkerville Elem.
Amphibian A cold-blooded vertebrate that lives part of its life in water and part on land.
Organs through which animals get oxygen from air Lungs Organs through which animals get oxygen from air
The changes in form that occur form egg to adult. Metamorphosis The changes in form that occur form egg to adult.
Fishlike animals that hatch from eggs Tadpole Fishlike animals that hatch from eggs
Body temperature changes with the outside temperatures Traits of Amphibians 1 Cold Blooded Body temperature changes with the outside temperatures
Traits of Amphibians 2 Vertebrate Has A Backbone
Traits of Amphibians 3 Lay eggs in water
Thin moist skin no scales Traits of Amphibians 4 Thin moist skin no scales
Traits of Amphibians 5 Two Pairs of Legs
Born with gills Developes Lungs Traits of Amphibians 6 Born with gills Developes Lungs
Spend part of life in water Traits of Amphibians 7 Spend part of life in water
Life Cycle of Amphibians
The Life Cycle Of Amphibians Metamorphosis 1 Female lays eggs and male fertilizes them in water.
They have gills Tail No legs Live in water Eat Plants The Life Cycle Of Amphibians Metamorphosis 2 Tadpoles hatch They have gills Tail No legs Live in water Eat Plants
Lungs develop Grow back legs, then front legs The Life Cycle Of Amphibians Metamorphosis 3 Tadpoles Lungs develop Grow back legs, then front legs Will lose tail
Lives on land near the water and eats insects The Life Cycle Of Amphibians Metamorphosis 4 Full Grown Frog Lives on land near the water and eats insects
Red-eyed tree frog
Eastern Tiger Salamander covers a wide range of areas extending from coast to coast across the United States and into Canada Salamanders The Arizona Tiger Salamander is found throughout western Colorado and New Mexico, southeast to northwestern Arizona, and much of Utah
Newt The Red-Spotted Newt, Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens, is a medium sized newt reaching lengths of nearly 5 inches. Their life history is different from that of other amphibians. Both the larval and adult stages are aquatic. It is in the juvenile stage when they are found on land. This is known as the eft stage.
The eft stage may last anywhere from 1-7 years The eft stage may last anywhere from 1-7 years. The eft is usually only about 3 inches in length. The photo shown here is the eft stage. Sometimes the eft stage is skipped completely and they go directly from the larval to the adult stage.
Mud Puppy Lives almost entire life under water Bushy gills outside its body
Fowler’s Toad
Chubby Frog
Sedge Frog
Argentine Horned Frog
Couch Spade Foot Toad
Mud Puppy
California Slender