Networking With Confidence Peter Kelly ( Professor of Practice, High Growth Entrepreneurship Aalto Ventures Program, Aalto University Visiting Professor of Business, Trinity College Dublin Visiting Professor of Design, MADA, Santiago de Chile
The layout of a room
The layout of a room The layout of a room
networking ? What is Face to face marketing – not SELLING WORK Nuturing existing business relationships and creating new ones!
Aalto School of Science Invites You To A Premier Networking Lunch Tuas Talo 7 September 2016 11.00 RSVP – Jouko Lampinen Is this an event for you ? Assuming it is how would you prepare ?
Your host – be careful about scoping out people (including me)
Preparation: Who is attending? What do I know about them? Where is it? How do I get there? Business cards & pen What is the event format? Dress code? Timing? Small talk tidbits
So What Do You Do? Inevitable Question I am a senior teaching scientist … what you are as opposed to what you do I inspire individuals to discover and nuture their entrepreneurial talent! I help my clients to … by … when … if …
Top 10 Fears Meeting total strangers Creating a good first impression Being interesting & exciting Small talk vs talking business The conversation lull Approaching groups Networking is a waste of time Cold shoulder Ignorance Loneliness 99% have these fears – and you can blame your mother
Overcoming Fears Arrive early & prepared Find a soft landing zone Ignore your mother’s advice – other people in the room are experiencing the same feelings you are Loner, open groups, those you know – male vs female, older vs younger, taller vs shorter
Breaking the Ice With A Loner Putting on the moves! Approach slowly from an angle, stay 1 metre away, smile and ask ”Excuse me, do you mind if I join you?” Wait for the YES, then step in extend your arm and shake hands maintaining eye contact ”Hello my name is Peter, Peter Kelly”
Remembering Names
High Growth Entrepreneurship Participants PETER Kelly Professor of Practice High Growth Entrepreneurship My name is PETER, pause, PETER Kelly --- remember the first name Chinese students please use the name you want to be called! I am sorry but I did not catch that!
PETER Participants Kelly My name is PETER, pause, PETER Kelly --- remember the first name Chinese students please use the name you want to be called! I am sorry but I did not catch that!
The Handshake Vice Grip, Bone Crusher, Wet and Drippy, Cold and Clammy, Limp Sneezed in, Nose Picked, Disinfected, Gloved
S H I N E Smile, handshake, eye contact, name, enthusiasm, excitement
Moving On: Dumping I could do with a top up? Or a bite to eat? I have seen someone I know? Would you like to join me? NO
Moving On: Parking Come and lets meet some others in an open group and park … Remain for a while as a secondary listener then make your excuses and go … don’t leave people alone
Moving On: Cold Shoulder Rude behaviour – Nice meeting you but I need to … pick a finger, any finger as long it is the middle one
Approaching a Group Eye contact with speaker – excuse me, may I join you … Speaker will often act as host and introduce you to other members of group We were just speaking about …. Establish eye contact with everyone else in group
Be prepared to play host even if it is not your party Invite loners that linger around in and introduce people
Building rapport is about being interested not interesting Fully attentive listening mode – looking for ahaa moments! KNOW, LIKE, TRUST
Long periods of silence punctuated occasionally by a few words!
No big business is done without small talk Neighbours house above it is a business card. An airplane is flying over with tennis racquets as propellors. In the cockpit the pilot is reading a newspaper and in the windows you see your neighbours kids.
Asking pertinent questions If you have done your homework you know all or part of the answer
Open Ended Who? What? When? Why? Which? How? Openers
Close Ended Do you? Can you? Are you? Could elicit one word answers!
Clarifying or Probing Questions Tell me about. Explain to me Clarifying or Probing Questions Tell me about ... Explain to me ... Describe for me.. Let them do the talking about what they are interested in
Ask for their card Listen, Listen, Listen You were mentioning that …. And how would you feel about meeting up to learn more about your business Challenges and explore how we might address them. OBSERVE BODY LANGUAGE
Confident & Effective Networkers Alert to opportunity Attuned to creating value not selling Generous givers Make the first move meeting new people Interesting answer to ”what do you do”? Remember names Good listeners Know importance of small talk Ask for cards Follow up