Chapter 2 Day 2 Quote: “If We allow Slaves, we act against the very Principles by which we associated together, which was to relieve the distressed.” - James Oglethorpe Objective: Explain the spread of the British colonies to the south of Virginia. State Standards: Strand 1 Concept 3 PO 1, 2, 3
Maryland: Catholic Haven Lord Baltimore, 1634 Religion Indentured servant vs. slaves Act of Toleration
The West Indies: Way Station to Mainland America Caribbean Islands Sugar Natives vs. slaves Barbados Slave Code
Colonizing the Carolinas 1670 Charles Town Rice
The Emergence of North Carolina “Squatters” vs. snobs 1712 divorce Coastal natives
Late-Coming Georgia: The Buffer Colony Britain vs. Spain James Oglethorpe 1733 Dumping ground Christian, no Catholics
The Plantation Colonies Tobacco – in the Chesapeake region (Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina) Rice and indigo – in the tidewater region of South Carolina and Georgia Rural, tolerant