[Exercise Name] [Date] Hospital Debriefing [Exercise Name] [Date]
Exercise Overview [Exercise type, scenario type] No-inspection, no-fault, learning environment
Exercise Objectives [List exercise objectives.]
Exercise Players [List participating agencies and organizations.]
Hospital Support Staff [List participating hospital support staff or organizations.]
What Happened Onsite? [Insert brief, high-level descriptions of events based on evaluator notes.]
What Happened Offsite? [Insert brief, high-level descriptions of events based on evaluator notes.]
Discussion Issues Notification procedures Resources Facility security Personal protective equipment (PPE) Decontamination Patient care Patient recordkeeping Bed tracking Pharmaceutical cache and other supplies Other planning issues Here is an agenda of topics related to incident response, which we will address in chronological order.
How Was the Problem Recognized? Who (e.g., emergency medical services [EMS], others) recognized the problem? What did you do next? Disaster plan implemented? All or part? Clear out beds? Set up decontamination or treatment area(s)? Whom did you notify? Did you set up a Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)? Sentinel detection system?
Notification: Did It Work? Internal alert Page Radio Phone External news EMS Health department Local news
Facility Security Did you have enough of your own facility security personnel? Do you have an agreement with local law enforcement? What if you are a secondary site? What about getting your people in and out? Parking lot or perimeter patrol? Heightened suspicions—not paranoia?
PPE: What Did You Wear? What level? Where was it worn? How long? Work rotations? Enough suits? Medical surveillance?
Decontamination Inside and outside Gross Secondary Definitive Emergency Technical Equipment Ambulatory vs. nonambulatory Special-needs patients What other treatment? Mass decontamination triage?
Patient Care: What Are the Issues? Other patients Standardized assessment Lab assistance Treatment Allocating scarce resources Special patient needs Patient transfer
Patient Tracking Triage tag EMS numbers match Patient names and information Integration with paramedic base Family notification Health department
Other Patient Care Concerns Pediatric and geriatric patients Other special-needs patients Patients refusing care Medical surveillance Federal, State, and local Patient valuables Worried well
What About Other Patients? Handling 9-1-1 calls for other things Walk-ins Burn unit capability
Whom Did You Consult? In house Department of health Poison control center Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC) National Response Center Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Others
Computer Programs [List computer programs (including Web programs) used during the exercise.]
Reference Texts [List reference texts used during the exercise.]
Whom Did You Ask for Help? [List outside organizations that were consulted for assistance.]
Additional Considerations Volunteer assistance Quarantine Alternative treatment centers (neighborhood emergency help centers) Mental health support Patient Family
Resources What did you run out of? Whom did you notify? Beds Ventilators Pharmaceuticals Medical supplies Other Whom did you notify? Do you have an acquisition plan? Do you have a distribution plan? Did you have any staff familiarization issues?
Additional Resources Hazardous materials (HazMat) team(s) National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) hazard mitigation survey teams Disaster medical assistance teams Disaster mortuary operational response teams Health department Others
What About…? Handling the deceased Handling families Press and media Incorporating epidemiological investigations Criminal investigations Research Documentation requirements
What About…? (cont’d) Staff medication administration Staff support and absenteeism Staff injury or death
Mental Health Needs Will be unparalleled Is current support system adequate? Acute and extended need for patient, family, and responder support
Handling of Facility Restoration Facility decontamination Staff rehabilitation Staff mental health Resupply Public relations Financial recovery documentation
What’s Next? After Action Report (AAR)/Improvement Plan (IP) Continue planning process Identify required resources Provide training Conduct exercises to validate plans
Summary This was an educational tool and another step to preparedness. You have identified future areas for improvement. You can do it better together than you can alone.